You Don't Remember Me?

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[Natasha and Tony walk into the library for Latin]

Ms. Vander: Are you two new students?

Natasha/Tony: Yeah.

Ms. Vander: Please tell me you two know how to use a computer!

Tony: Ah...yeah. I'm not stupid.

Ms. Vander: (Looks to Natasha) How about you?

Natasha: Duh. Who wouldn't?

Ms. Vander: Okay. Good.

Tony: You must have met our friend Donald.

Ms. Vander: (Scoffs) You know him?

Natasha: Yes, sadly.

Tony: We hang with him. It's embarrassing. I know.

Ms. Vander: What about Steve Rogers? He's a handful too.

Tony: Oh, boy! Talk about a mega-embarrassment.

Ms. Vander: (Giggles) Anyway, what are your names?

Tony: Tony Stark.

Natasha: Natasha Romanoff.

Ms. Vander: And do you two have a class or are you just coming for a book?

Natasha: We both have Latin.

Ms. Vander: Ouch! That's a hard class.

Natasha: Nequaquam. Praesent ipsum elit.

(Ms. Vander is taken by surprise)

Ms. Vander:.....What?

Tony: (Grins) She's a fluent Latin speaker.

Natasha: (Smiles) I basically said, "Not really. It's actually pretty easy."

Ms. Vander: How did you learn that?

Natasha: (Shrugs) Practice.

Tony: She's also Russian.

Ms. Vander: (Shocked) You speak Russian, too?

Natasha: Да. довольно круто, правда? {Yes, pretty cool, right?}

Ms. Vander: Wow! That's amazing!

Natasha: Спасибо.

(Ms. Vander stares at her)

Natasha: That means thanks.

Ms. Vander: (laughs) Ohh! Cool.

Natasha: I can speak a lot more languages than that because I'm just so cool.

Tony: She's not as cool as me though.

(Natasha turns to Tony and gives him the death stare)

Tony: Chill out you bilingual freak.

Natasha: Did you just say chill? You're starting to sound like Clint.

Tony: I'm so...sorry....?

Natasha: (Stares at him blankly)......I'm going to the computer.

(Natasha walks to a computer and sits down)

Tony: (Walks over and sits beside her) Am I bothering you?

Natasha: (Sighs) Pretty much. (Starts typing on the computer)

Tony: I didn't even do anything. How am I bothering you?

Natasha: By being Tony Stark.

Tony: (Laughs) Well...I can't help that.

Natasha: I don't know how Pepper deals with you.

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