Chapter 10

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An hour later a middle aged woman with dark red hair walked in with a plate of food. I was no longer crying but my eyes were red and my nose was so blocked I had to breathe through my mouth which hurt my throat. I also had a massive headache coming on.

"Food for you Luna" she said.

"Don't call me that" I growled. " I am not your Luna"

Her eyes widened in fright and she scurried away.

The smell of the food triggered a hungry little monster in my stomach but I kept away. I was not going to be staying long so I'm not going to waste their food.

I climbed out of the bed and walked past the food into the on-suite bathroom. I was a wreck literally. My hair was a wild mane, my face was red and blotchy and my eyes were bloodshot. I had a large cut on my head that had been stitched over. I could only think that was when I fell out of the tree. My clothes were a little wrinkled but apart from that they were fine. I undid my ponytail and then redid it again. My hair needed brushing but the ponytail hid that feature just fine. I switched on the hot tape and ran my fingers under the water. When the water was hot enough I quickly rinsed my face. There wasn't a towel so I just shook my head like a dog. The room was warm enough anyway so the water would be evaporated in less than a minute.

I checked my face in the mirror. My nose was no longer as red and my puffy tired eyes seemed fine. It's a miracle what a little hot water can do for you.

I walked out again when I noticed a glass of water on the food tray. I picked it up and drank it in one gulp. My throat immediately began to feel better.

I opened the door and peeked out into the hallway. No one. I stepped into the hallway and quietly closed the door. There were two options facing me: left or right. Nothing on the glossy black walls distinguished which direction I should be going. I took a chance and headed right, making sure to peak around the corner for people, before I turned.

Soon I was standing at the top of some narrow yet finely carpeted stairs. I tip toed down them, listening for any voices. I reached the bottom and opened a door. I walked in to what looked like to be a dressing room.

I walked around taking in the flowery decor and the clothes strewn everywhere. It reminded me of my own room but just not as messy. Images of home came flooding back and I pushed them away. I was not going to cry. Not here.

Voices approached the door and panic set in. The handle of the door began to turn so I dived behind a rack of clothes just as two people stepped into the room.

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