Chapter 20 - Three Years Later

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Breakfast was coffee and a muffin. My stomach was too nervous to have anything else. Rosamund was eating a bowl of cereal and staring at the window. Baby blue skies greeted morning New Yorkers and I heard today was supposed to be the big game. Whatever that meant.

I was just about to suggest going out when a heavy rapid knock came from the door. Rosamund, finished with her breakfast, retreated to her room as she does whenever unexpected strangers come calling. After unloading her dishes into the dishwasher, I went to the door and threw it open.

My eyes widened in shock and instantly I slammed the door. Or well I would have slammed it were it not for the fact their foot was stuck in the way.

"Leave now!" I hissed so Rosamund wouldn't hear.

Liam looked different. His hair was a little more styled. Faint facial hair defined his status as a man. Plus he looked a little bulkier like he had been working out. He looked.....attractive.

"Please" he pleaded. "Just talk"

Angry I tried to force the door closed but it didn't work.

"Mommy whose there?" said Rosamund.

Liam eyes widened and he forced the door open. As his eyes fell upon Rosamund, his mouth dropped open. Rosamund squirmed under this strangers gaze.

I rushed forward and scooped her up into my arms. Liam entered the apartment.

It was pointless to deny it or even make up an excuse. The proof was in the appearance.

"Rosamund go play in your room" I whispered.

With a nod of her head, she rushed into her room but left the door a tiny bit ajar so she could listen in.

"She's beautiful" he said.

I nodded but didn't say anything. His eyes fell to the floor.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered.

I shook my head. I didn't have a lie to give him and the truth would only hurt.

"Can I see her?"

Every instinct within me screamed no. That this was a bad idea. That it would only lead to somewhere you didn't want to go. I was still pining for my old life as a wolf. I knew sooner or later I would have to explain to Rosamund what she is but I was hoping to avoid it until she was older.

I nodded. His face lit up with glee and he dived into her room. Defeated, I followed in after him. Rosamund was drawing a picture. Instantly she handed a piece of paper to me and one to Liam. Liam smiled and sat next to her, talking about her and his art. I drew me Rosamund. She had wavy brown hair and blue eyes mixed with slightly darkened skin. Rosamund smiled when she saw my photo.

"Look mummy" she said, placing her arm next to Liam's. "We have the same skin!"

She beamed like she had just made an amazing new discovery. Next to her Liam laughed and smiled. I couldn't help but smile with them.

"That's because he's your father" I said.

I waited for the temper tantrum. The screams and shouts. The explosive breakdown. But it didn't came. Instead she threw her arms around Liam.

"My daddy" she announced proudly. "I love you daddy!"

I bit my lip to stop the emotions flowing. Now was not the time.

"Maybe now you're here, you can make mummy happy like you've made me"

Liam broke away and stared at me. The tears were now falling. Rosamund hugged my stomach.

"Sorry mummy" she said.

I was going to reassure her. To tell her that it was okay but all that came out was a croak. Liam wrapped his arm around my shoulder and hugged me.

"I'll be here as long as you want me to" he whispered.

So that's it, I guess. That's the end. Thank you all for coming through this amazing journey with me. It's been an honour! Thank you all for your wonderful comments, they've really made my day.

I'm so sorry this took me months to do. I've been so stuck on how to end the story. After all I was never good with endings.

Happy Reading!

~ Jess xoxo

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