Chapter 43

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I stood poised. Despite being kept here for a year I was curious to know what he had to say.

I saw the guards approaching me from the sides and backed towards the forest.

"No guards" I said.

Liam saw them approaching me and dismissed them angrily.

"No guards then" he said softly. "Can my assistant join though?"

He gestured towards a girl a couple of steps behind him. She was small pretty with blonde hair. She stood shyly behind Liam holding a laptop under her arm. She was wearing a top with a huge taco on it that said 'Taco Tuesday'. Inside I was smiling, whether or not I'd be around long enough to know this girl I don't know but I already decided I liked her.

"Okay what do you want to say?"

He stepped forward while I stepped back.

"Please I won't hurt you" he said. "You need to see what's on the laptop though"

I stood up straight and allowed him to come to me. I didn't dare move a centimetre away from the forest in case this was all some big trick.

The girl opened the laptop and stood next to me. She opened a saved site and clicked on a photo. The photo was of a toddler, a girl no older than 2. She was sitting on a swing obviously very happy. She had a pink playsuit on with a rabbit on the front pocket. Next to her was a boy about the same age. He had tidy brown hair and was wearing jeans and a t shirt. He was pushing the girl, looking very happy. He was smiling at the camera while doing some ridiculously funny pose obviously trying to show off.

Liam pointed to the boy on the photo.

"That's me" he said.

Then he pointed to the young girl on the photo.

"That's you Lucille you were stolen"

I took a step back and stared at him hoping this was all some great big joke.

"That's not me" I protested.

He pointed to the girls knee where a big ugly scar lay.

"You have the same scar as her"

I looked down at my knee. Sure enough it was the same scar. I grabbed the laptop off the girl and stared at the picture.

"How did they say you got the scar?"

I handed the laptop back to the girl.

"A wolf fight" I whimpered. "Some rogue wolf attacked our camp when I was 3. They tried to get my mother. I stepped in between and got this" I said gesturing at my scar.

"Wrong" he said bluntly.

"You got that in a car accident when you were a few weeks old"

Like Alex I thought.

"Drunk driver smashed into your car. Luckily enough you and your mother survived. Your sister who was driving the car did not" he said sorrow in his voice.

"My father?" I croaked.

"He was at home taking your other sister to school" he replied.

Tears filled my eyes and I let them roll down my face but I didn't make a sound.

"Do you want to meet them?" He said. "Your family"

I did. I wanted to meet them more than anything else. Yet all I could do was nod my head.


I'd like to dedicate this chapter to my bestest friend Cake_Muncher If it wasn't for her I'd still be stuck in writers block lol. So thanks Cake!!!!

Happy Reading!

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