Chapter 29

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Despite how amazing that night was with Alex, I felt guilty. I was eventually going to New York and leaving him behind. I knew that very few long distance relationships actually worked out. 

"Then again most long distance relationships don't have the bond keeping hold on them" said Cassie. 

"True" I said. 

I was supposed to leave 3 days ago, a day after the night with Alex,  but for the past week it hadn't stopped raining. The whole village was flooded and people were putting sandbags up against their doors to keep the water out. 

"This really could be the Luna Goddess having a hissy fit" blurted Lacey as she stepped into my bedroom soaking wet. 

"Yeah this type of weather has never really happened before" said Cassie, her voice full of concern. 

The idea that I had pissed off the Luna Goddess had been playing on my mind the whole week. She had never been known to intervene like this but she had been known to get angry should someone try and defy her powers. I guess that could be what was happening but I had grown up thinking she was a myth, unlike everyone else who firmly believed in her. 

I grabbed a towel and tossed it to Lacey who began to dry herself off. 

"The Luna Goddess has never done this kind of thing before" I argued. 

"That's because no one has ever managed to resist their mate this long" grumbled Lacey who was getting more water on the carpet than on the towel.

"I'm no longer resisting him" I argued back. 

I shivered as memories of that night came flooding back. It was one of the best nights of my life. 

"Yeah you're not resisting him yet you've not married him either" said Cassie. 

My mind floated back to how critical I thought of Eleanor when she was intimate with the Beta before their marriage. Now I see why. She couldn't wait and neither could he. The difference between me and her was that I had managed to resist the bond for longer. Much longer. Which brought me back to the theory of the wrath of the Luna Goddess. 

Suddenly one of the maids came bursting into the room. 

"Miss Lucille come quick" she proclaimed clearly out of breath. 

"Why what's happened?" I asked

Panic was coursing through my veins. Had something happened to Alex? Was he okay? 

"Come now Miss Lucille"

The thought of something happening to Alex because I had invoked the wrath of the Luna Goddess was almost too much for me to think about. 

The maid was about to run out the door when I grabbed her arm and forced her back. 

"Not until you tell me what is going on!" I growled. 

"Damien Shadows is dead!" she screamed. "Come now"

She ran out of the room sobbing. Cassie and Lacey bounced off the bed and together we chased after the distressed maid. 


Hey this chapter is dedicated to LillyWalkerWrites for the amazing new cover (picture above). This girl has a real skill so if you need a book cover or if you know someone who does then please recommend her to them. Shine a light on this girl's amazing talents. 

My new college term starts tomorrow so unfortunately updates will become less frequent but I will try to get at least one or two chapters published a week. I will check my inbox every day if you want to send me a message. If I have time I'll publish another chapter tonight but if not you will have another one by Thursday!

Thank you everyone for getting this to #930 in Werewolf!!!!!!!!! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Happy Reading!

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