Chapter 12

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Cassie and Lacey exchanged looks at each other.

"Please" I begged. "I don't want to be here, I need to get home"

"We can't" said Lacey. "Mr. Shadows would punish us"

I looked at them confused.

"Don't you mean the Alpha?"

"No Alex's father" said Cassie.

"Please. I promise you I won't tell a single soul. He will never know"

I was desperate, praying that they would say yes. If I could get there before 7pm then the house would be empty as my father would be at work. I could rely on that information a 100% as my father was a workaholic and he would never ditch work. Ever.

"Okay then" said Cassie.

Relief and happiness flooded me. I was going home! I didn't have a plan but then again the best plans are never thought out, they just come around.

Lacey looked at her in disbelief but just simply nodded.

"There's an old tunnel that leads out to the forest. We can only take you as far as the forest"

"That's more than fine. Thank you so much"

The girls headed out of the room and I followed them. Together we weaved through a series of clean corridors. Every so often I would be pushed out of the way so no one walking past would see me. After a short turn all we passed through was desolate corridors. My opinion was that these corridors led to the tunnel and no where else which meant I didn't have to worry about other people. Finally we reached some steps descending under the house. Cassie pointed at Lacey and signalled her to go a different direction. Lacey nodded and headed off. When she had disappeared around the corner, I turned to Cassie.

"Lacey's going to be a distraction and a look out" she said.

I nodded and together we descended down the stairs. As we went further and further it got darker and darker until we were relying on Cassie's phone torch to see.

"Don't worry we're nearly there"

Five minutes later Cassie pushed a iron door open and I was blinded by streaming sunlight. Once my eyes got adjusted to it, I was faced by a forest. It was intriguing and yet frightening. I don't recall a forest where I lived so my pack must be far away.

"This is where I leave you"

I turned around and gave Cassie a hug.

"I'm sorry I didn't have time to get to know you and Lacey more"

She gave me a quick smile. "This won't be the end"

"Give my thanks to Lacey"

"Of course"

I nodded my thanks as she closed the iron door. It was really heavy so I pushed against it while she pulled. It closed with a loud bang and then I was alone.

I wasn't going to be able to walk home. I had a maximum of a few hours before they realised I was missing and raise the alarm. Once that happened it wouldn't take a genius to figure out where I went. It meant I would have to hitch-hike home. Let's hope I don't get a weirdo.

Brief A/N

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