Chapter 7

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Blinking back tears, I stormed downstairs and burst into the living room. Liam stood up shocked at my anger while the others continued to stare at me.

"You lied" I said my voice shaking.

His facial expression turned from shock to confusion.

"I-I don't know...

"Alex is alive!!!" I screamed.

His facial expression went stony. Rachel, Ethan and Jess jumped up from the sofa, their eyes hard.

"Lucille what did you tell him?" asked Liam.

I stayed silent, chewing my lip. I should be angry with him. I should be screaming and throwing stuff at him. So why did I feel like I was back in Year 6 being told off by the headmaster. Why did I feel like a little girl?

"Lucille what did you do?"

I started chewing on my nail.

"I told him where I am" I muttered.

Ethan and Rachel exchanges horrified glances. Liam looked panicked. They rushed past me and bolted up the stairs leaving me alone in the living room.

Bewildered I sat down on the sofa and ignored the banging and crashing from upstairs. Suddenly they all bolted into the kitchen with backpacks on. I was going to leave them to it when Jess came back and grabbed my arm.

"Come on Lucille"

I followed her into the kitchen to find they were going into some kind of tunnel.

"Underground" Jess said when she saw my confused face. "Leads all the way to town"

I snatched the padlock off the table and waited until Jess was fully in the hole. Then I slammed the door over and padlocked it. I heard mutters and then calls for me. I dragged the overturned carpet back onto the trap door.
Then I walked out the front door and sat on the step waiting for Alex.

About 5 minutes later I caught the scent of wolves. My ears pricked up as I heard sticks snapping about a kilometre away. I smiled. My powers had fully returned. I was a wolf again. I mind linked Alex and told him to hurry up. Instantly I could hear the sound of pounding paws. I got up and ran to the forest line. Giddiness began to feel me. I was going to see him again. I forgot what he looked like, how he felt like. My wolf yearned to see him again.

I reached the forest line just as the wolves burst out and landed a couple of metres away. I recognised my dad almost instantly. I ran to him and pressed my face into his back hugging his wolf. I had missed him so much.

I was startled by a loud beep and I turned to see a sleek black car approaching the house. The door opened and Alex came out. He saw me and ran to me instantly, picking me up into a hug when he saw me.

I wrapped my arms around him, not wanting to ever let him go.

"I missed you so much"

I, Yes I Rejected The Alpha/ I, Yes I Was StolenWhere stories live. Discover now