Chapter 25

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Sitting on my bed, my mind was torn two ways. Fear compelled me to go but loyalty to the deal I made with Alex compelled me to stay.

I heard the laughter of Cassie and Lacey and I knew they could help me. I opened the door to where I found them pushing and shoving at each other in a playful way.

"Hey I need your help with something" I called.

They rushed in and jumped onto my bed.

"What's up?"

I told them about the second sinister meeting with Damien and my plan to leave, dropping in the fact I was the reason they were being forced to work.

"Wow girl you've been here less than a week and you've already made a enemy"

I nodded and thought about our meetings. If I kept refusing him then things would only get worse for all of us. If I left then hopefully things would get better.

When I came back to reality Cassie and Lacey were eyeing my packed up stuff in the corner of the room.

"We would help but something has told us that you have already made up your mind"

"I don't want to leave both of you" I whispered.

Cassie and Lacey jumped up and wrapped me in a hug.

"You're not but at least tell Alex you're leaving"

I nodded and began to sob. I was seriously going to miss them. I had more fun in these past 5 days than I had had most of my life.

I stepped away from the hug and grabbed my stuff. I would tell Alex and then leave. I couldn't allow him to persuade me to stay.

Cassie and Lacey helped me haul my suitcase and holdall down the stairs. The job nearly resulted in Cassie breaking her neck and Lacey breaking her foot. Finally we stopped outside the huge oak door.

"How do I know Damien won't be in there?" I whispered.

"Because right now he is normally visiting his mate's grave"

"Oh" I said feeling completely awkward.

I took a deep breath and opened the office door just as Cassie and Lacey jumped out of view.

Alex was sitting at his desk surrounded by a mountain of paperwork. When he looked up at me, I noticed his eyes were really dark and his skin was a bit pale. The classic signs of not enough sleep.

"Lucille" he said, surprised by my presence.

"I've come to tell you that I'm leaving tonight. Now." I blurted.

His eyes widened in shock and he shot up out of his chair.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because.......... we.... we..."

I was trying to tell him that we are not mates because I couldn't feel the bond but the words wouldn't leave my lips. Shock hit me as I recognised the strength of the bond. It was the first time I was feeling it and by the look on Alex's face he knew I was feeling it too.

"She's leaving because your father threatened her and scared the wits out of her and is doing everything he can to keep us away from her"

Oh no!


Hey everyone sorry about the super late updates. I've been volunteering, then building a garden, falling over in quicksand, going swimming and then I stayed at my brothers.

I'm back in action for now but when Monday comes I'll be back in college but I promise to keep my updates going as frequently as possible.

On another note THANK YOU FOR 1000 READS! I'm actually so happy about that. Like I remember asking a couple of chapters back to try and reach 500 reads before my 17th birthday and now I have 1000 with my birthday still being just over a week away so thank you!

You are all incredibly awesome people and I love you all. I'm going to go for 10k reads next but I know that will take a while and I will still keep updating no matter what.

THANK YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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