Chapter 18

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I chuckled nervously.

"They do a lot of things" I muttered.

"Well" he said settling down on my bed. "Don't they have a ritual or something"


I began to explain to Liam about the full moon. On the night of the full moon every mated wolf congregates in the middle of the forest. They shift, releasing their wolf and give in to their deepest animal instincts.

"Whoa" said Liam when I had finished explaining. "Sounds fun....and messy"

I laughed at his confusion causing him to give a slight giggle in their reply.

"So what's their deepest animal instincts"

I clenched my teeth knowing this question was coming. I focused on a speck of dust on the floor and resisted the urge to cringe.

"Sex, it strengthens the bond between the couple"

Liam didn't seem at least fazed by my answer. Instead he seemed confused.

"The bond? The one which every wolf is supposed to have. Every natural born wolf?"


"So how come you didn't know. How come you still felt the bond?"

I closed my eyes so the tears wouldn't fall. I knew this wasn't the full moon making me emotional.

"Because I mistook the feeling of the bond for the feeling of love. I didn't know the difference. I still don't"

"Lucille I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up"

Instantly my eyes shot open and like a typical woman I launched into some stupid excuse to make him feel better.

"Don't be. I don't feel heartbroken. It's like a blanket has been pulled from my eyes. I knew I wasn't like them. I used to constantly joke about being adopted and then when I first met Alex I didn't feel the bond. The signs were there, I just chose to ignore them"

Liam's arm circled my shoulder. He pulled me into an awkwardly positioned hug.

"Thanks" I mumbled.

"It's okay"

I pulled away and burst out laughing. My whole life had been turned upside down. I had been on the ultimate emotional rollercoaster yet all I wanted to do was throw a party.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asked suspiciously.

"I'm feeling fine" I blurted out before beginning to use my bed as a trampoline. "However this could be the full moon. It does make us focus a bit more on our emotions"

He laughed. "That would explain it"

"Anyway I'm not going to spend a minute more of my life dwelling on the past. Onto the future I go"

I jumped off the bed, but I didn't position the landing right. However instead of landing on the floor, Liam's arms catched me.

"That's enough adventure for you"

I climbed back on the bed. "Why should it be? I've always wanted to travel. Go to places like NY. I'm not a wolf anymore, I have all the time in the world for adventure"

His mouth spread into a wide grin. "Let's wait until the rain passes up"

I gazed at the window becoming memorised by the rain which had started up again. My mind floated away to my old pack. All my friends would be chasing their partners giving in to their deepest animal instincts. I glanced at Liam who was also staring out the window.

"Why don't we start the adventure now?" I said letting out a playful giggle.

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