Chapter 25

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I woke up and stretched and then rubbed my eyes. I looked around and sighed once I seen Michael nowhere in sight. I reached over toward the night stand and Instead of feeling my phone I felt a suede box. I squinted my eyes and wrapped my hands around the box, sure enough It was a jewelry box. I snatched my hand away quickly before Panicking, I feared the worst. "What if it's a break up letter in here." I mumbled to myself. I disregarded my fear and decided on opening the box. I looked over at my nightstand to see a box and a card and I let out a sigh of relief. I slowly opened the box, my heart now pounding out my chest. I seen a diamond necklace and I gasped at the sight of the diamonds glistening in the light. I turned the necklace around and seen Michael's name on the back with a heart. I smiled and reached for the card and opened it carefully. I read each word, another smile creeping on my face.

"Hope you had a great day, I love you so much baby." I kept re-reading that sentence until Michael walked into the room grinning.

"I see you got one of my gifts." He walked over to me and sat down on the bed.

"Yeah, I love it- wait one of my gifts?"

"I'm glad you do, Here I'll put it on for you." He took the necklace from my hands and placed it around my neck. "And yes one of your gifts, you didn't know you had another?"

"Oh my god, no. Michael you getting me too much stuff." I groaned.

"Like I said baby you deserve all of this."

"Thank you Michael." I kissed him on the cheek.

"You are more than welcome." He smirked and stood up.

"Wait, where you going?"

"Nowhere." He said getting on the floor in front of me.

"Wait what-" I asked becoming confused.

" I love you Ciara, you mean the world to me. I never thought I would fall in love with anyone, but I'm glad it's with you. If I ever lost you I would lose myself. And with that being said, I know this isn't a fancy place to do this but Ciara Marie Davis, would you take this promise ring?" He asked pulling out a black box and opening it slowly revealing a ring. I was absolutely speechless, I couldn't get a word out. "Ciara." I heard him say, I tried to speak but it just wouldn't come out. I nodded quickly feeling the tears well up in my eyes. "Yes?!" He asked full of excitement. I nodded again smiling and letting the tears fall down my face. He slid the ring on my finger and I looked down at it in awe and enjoyment. He kissed my passionately, taking me by surprise. I kissed him back and hugged him tightly. "I love you Ciara."

"I love you too, Michael."

"Now go make me some breakfast." He laughed and I joined him.

"You gotta come too."

"Alright." He said and stood up and we walked to the kitchen together.



"Awe man Michael I think I really fucked up."

"What you do?" He asked pulling off from the light.

"Man I said another girl was fine, I forgot she was there."

"What type of dumb shit is you on M? Even if yo girl wasn't around that stuff still ain't cool to do. I bet Maria pissed at you ass too ain't she?"

"Man I didn't mean to, You know I been working on it but yeah she is bruh." I sighed and shook my head. "Maybe if I give her some act right tonight." I trailed off.

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