Chapter 26

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I decided on telling Nisha about my pregnancy since I tell her everything anyway. I was going to surprise Felicia because I want to see the look on her face when I tell her, but that is when I start to get a poke. "Whaaat?"

"Yep." I nodded. She smiled and picked up her phone, typing away. "What you doing?"

"Nothing, a surprise." She smiled. "Well Im gonna get going, I got to get to work."

"Okay see you later."

"Okay, take it easy."

"I will."

I sat back down on the couch and unlocked my phone. It refreshed and I saw a post by Nisha talking about my pregnancy. I mentally slapped myself for forgetting to tell her not to tell anyone else. I sighed sitting back on the couch. Now everyone was going to know.



I was scrolling down my feed noticing an interesting post by one of Ciara's friends. "My friend preggers! I can't wait to see the little cutie! @ MishMish_" I thought for a moment, because I have heard that name before. It finally rang a bell, "Oh my god Trell." I screenshoted the post and sent it to Ashley.

Within minutes she called me, "What is this?"

"A post I came across, I don't know who the baby's father is but I do know the girl the person made the post about is Trell's Ex Girlfriend."

"Alright thanks for letting me know."

"No problem."

I sat back, upset because I had to tell her, but I wasn't going to let her get played. I let my emotions take over when I sent that message, because I was still sort of upset from what Martin did to me. Although it wasn't that bad, If I would have let it go he would think it would be okay to do it again, or even do something worse. While I was deep into my thoughts, my phone rang. "Hello?"

"Soo, how is it going?"

I bit my lip, trying to decide if I should tell her exactly how I am feeling. "Well I am sorta still mad at Martin, I told him to leave because he was causing my emotions to go out of wack. And to top it off I don't know if I could forgive him."

"Okay calm down, what did he do?"

"He was like damn she fine, this was directed at another girl and I was standing right next to him. He apologized and said it was a mistake and it will never happen again. I just feel like I need more than that."

"Oh my god." She sighed, "At least he apologized but he probably is coming up with something as we speak, but not only is Martin not going to let you go, you should forgive him but let it be known that that shouldn't ever happen again."

"Okay I will."

"Dumbass shouldn't have been looking at no body else anyway, I got some for his ass." She mumbled.  "I got something to show you at the shop tomorrow."

"Okay." I said. "What is it?"

"A surprise shh." She said laughing.

"Fine." I laughed along with Ciara.

"Okay bye girl love ya."

Falling In LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora