Chapter 28

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"Yea I look good don't I?" I looked over at my assistant manager, Marlon.

"Yeah man, you look dope. Who did it?

"My Gal."

"Whaaat?" His mouth widened, "Where she located?"

"My house muh'fucker."

"Very funny, quit playing."

"Alright, alright." I sighed, "Her shop 'bout 15 minutes from here."

"Oh tha-"

"Hey." I looked over to see a girl leaning over the counter.

"Excuse me but I was talking to him, If we cant help you with anything you can kindly leave." Marlon said angrily.

"Chill." I mumbled toward him, he sighed and went to do something else.

"So you single?"

"No, engaged actually." I lied.

"Aren't you a little too young to be engaged?"


"Well if you ever change your mind, here's my number." She winked and handed me a piece of paper with her number scribbled on it.

"No thanks." I crumbled up the paper and tossed it in the trash. Now, probably offended she scoffed at me and left the store.

"Shid, if you ain't taking the number I am." Devin walked up from behind me, probably hearing the whole conversation and dug the paper out the trash. "She was fine as fuck, thanks for looking out for a brotha'."

I shook my head and chuckled, "Whatever you say man." I turned around from the register to grab my phone from under the counter, where I always put it while I was working. I kneeled down to text Ciara back.


I sighed, not even standing up. "I'm not interested."

"Me either nigga, now get up."

I turned around slowly, looking up at Maria. "Yo, my bad I-It's been a long day."

"I see, that's not how you greet costumers."

"Yea, and I apologize."

"Nope I need to talk to a manager."

"I am the manager goofy."

"Oh, um." She laughed causing me to laugh. "Well I'm looking for the new 12's that came out."

"We have the pink but not the blue."

She sighed, "Thank god, I need those."

"Alright, Sure." I put my phone back under the counter. "What size you need?"

"A size 5."

"Yo feet little as hell." I chuckled.

"Shut up and go get my shoe." She said and pushed me.

"Alright, Alright damn." I said walking to the back. I searched all over for the shoe, I was getting prepared to tell her we were all out but my eyes landed on a box which was similar to the 12's. I moved the other boxes out the way and it was the last box of the 12's. I grabbed the box and headed out toward the front. "Congrats, this is the last box."

Falling In LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora