*Celine's POV*
"Good morning blondie." I say and kiss his ear. He's half asleep and.
I can't wait to wake him up! Childish I know bit I don't care. "Niall?"
He doesn't anwser. "Niall I need to tell you something, I'm pregnant!" His eyes open and he jumps up. "What?"
He asks. His face looks worried.
"Calm down you fool, I'm not pregnant." His face turns to his normal Niallface, well as normal as possible.
"You know I didn't mean it that way don't you? I want children with you, as many as you want but we're only sixteen and..."
"Baby calm down, I know that."
I kiss his forhead and he seems to calm down.
"I don't want a baby now, maybe later."
"How do you mean maybe?" he asks he looks a bit sad and I don't know, hurt?
"I mean not maybe, sure I want children. I want my son to call you daddy." I smile and he suddenly gets happy.
"I want my daughter to call you mom."
My hearts beats a little faster than usual. "You make me happy, Celine."
I smile, my fingers run through hair.
"I want you by my side forever." He says and my heart races.
"Breakfast!" Astrid's voice fills the house. "You heard her." Niall says and gets out of the bed. His standing almost naked. "Are you going downstairs only wearing your boxers?"
I ask him. "Not that I have problems with that but Kate and Liam are here too and I don't want Kate to be .shocked of your amazing body."
I tease and he laughs. "Allright then." he puts on a t-shirt and pants. I put my dress on and I realise Niall's staring at my body. "Can you stop doing that?" I ask. "If you were me and I had a body like that you would stare at me too." he anwsers and I squeeze his arm. "Let's go." I close the door and at the same time Kate closes the door of Liam's room. "Hey there!" I start talking. "Hey Celine! Nice to see you again." she smiles and we get into the diningroom. Mary already left so we're with five at the table. Before I sit down I kiss Niall's jaw. I can see Liam looks hurt and I feel sorry for him. Are they still not together? Astrid seems to read my mind and shakes her head.
Kate and Liam look at eachother and they smile. They're so in live why don't they see that? They're sleeping together but they aren't dating?
*Kates POV*
I have to text Zayn. I really want to talk to him. "We go by bus." Niall says and takes Celines hand. "I'm going by bike." Astrid says and leaves us too. Now it's only me and Liam left.
"And we're taking the bus too." Liam says. We both take our back and he puts his arm around my waist. "Ready?" he asks me and I nod.
We stap to the busstation.
I take my phone out my bag and start a new conversation.
-To: Zayn
- Hey Zayn it's me, Kate. I was wondering if you had plans tonight cause I really want to talk to you if you don't mind.
A minute later I get a new message.
-From: Zayn
-Tonight is great, I'll pick you up at seven?
He knows where I live?
-To Zayn
-You don't have my adress?
"Who are you texting?" Liam's raspy morningvoice asks. "Nobody, just my mother."
-From: Zayn
- I'll pick you up after school is that allright?
I smile to my phone and Liam looks at Niall and Celine who are kissing.
-To: Zayn
- That would be great! See you :)
Liam looks at me and puts my hair behind my ear. I love him doing that.
The rest of the day goes very slow.
All the teachers are boring today and they all give too much homework.
I really have to study more. I'm always with Liam. I never have the time to study.

I'll remember him. ~onedirection~
FanfictionA one direction story about brothers, friendship, problems, hate, pain,to love and to be loved. Almost two years ago Kate had a car accident. She stayed in a hospital for five months and lost her memory. She can't remember anything, her family, fri...