*Liam's POV*
Kate and Astrid cary Harry to the kitchen to put some ice on his eye.
Styles allready threw up.
Kate looks stunning, she always does, even when she wakes up. How can you love someone like I love her, it's strange tough.
The thoughts of her being the biker my father hit with his car keep swimming in my mind. What if my father is the reason of her accident, the reason she doesn't remember anything, the reason she doesn't remember me?
I feel soft hands on my shoulder.
I turn around to find the one I love standing in front of me.
She's wearing heels but she's still shorter than me. She always complains about how short she is, but I like to be much taller than her. Then I feel like I can protect her, altough I know she doesn't want to be protected. She wants to take care of herself.
I kiss her forhead and she smiles, she's wearing make up and I can tell you she looks gorgeous but I love her even more without make up on.
"You look fabelous." she smiles again.
It's such a wonderful feeling to know I'm the reason behind her smile.
I kiss her lips and her hands race to my neck. I pull her in my arms and put my hands on her back. After our kiss she lays her head against my chest.
The feeling of her listening to my heartbeats is undiscribable.
*Astrid's POV*
And here am I, taking care for the guy who ruined my brother's relationship with Celine, the guy my brother kicked in the stomache so he had to vomit.
And now I'm alone, with Styles, looking at all those poeple who have a better time than me.
I love my life.
"Can I go?" I ask Harry. His eyes are red and he still looks awful.
I hate him, but I can't leave him alone like this. I'll have to take him home.
His eyes are asking me to stay but his mouth tells me to leave.
"I'll take you home." I don't think this is a good idea but I have to.
"I'll be right back, stay here." I walk to Liam who's still kissing Kate. I hate to do this but I need him. "Liam!" I scream loud enough for him to hear me under the loud music.
"Where's Zayn?" He doesn't anwser me so I start looking for him by myself.
I walk to the living room, I look around and see his black hair in the corner of the room. He's kissing someone?
He allready told me he was gay, that's why he couldn't love me. But I couldn't tell anybody and know he's kissing a guy on a party? What's wrong with him. Maybe hes drunk, I need to stop him before he does things he will regret
"Zayn!" I scream. Or he didn't hear me, or he's ignoring me. He's kissing Kevin! Kevin is gay too? "Zayn!" I scream again and his head turns my way.
"Yea?" he asks, his eyes are red and he holds the hand of Kevin.
"Do you have a second?"
"No, I want to be with Kevin."
"You are comming with me now!"
My hands are shaking. I'm out of control. I need to take Harry home but nobody wants to help we,I want to burst into tears.
"Zayn please." I can't hold them any longer. Why am I so emotional these days? "okay I'm comming." He let's Kevin's hand go and follows me to the kitchen. Harry hasn't moved since I left. "We have to take him home." I say and realise how stupid that sounds. I'm asking a drunk guy to drive me and another drunk guy to his place. This can't turn out well.
He nods, where I was afraid of and we walk outside to Zayn's car. I hold Harry's arm and I'm surprised how I feel about that. We get in the car. I'm sitting next to Zayn and Harry takes a seat in the back. He still didn't say a word to me, to anybody.
Zayn starts the car and I feel like I'm going to have the most dangerous drive in my life.
My father's accident flashes before my eyes. "Stop!" I yell and Zayn stops the car. "Let me drive." I demand and get out the car. I never drove a car before but that seems less dangerous than when that drunk idiot drives us.
I take it easy and drive very slow. I don't want to be the reason of an accident without driving licenses with two drunk guys in my car.
"Why did you kissed Kevin on the party?" I question Zayn.
"Because I love him."
"I have to keep it a secret and you kiss him on a party..."
"Yea, I want everybody to know."
"Are you sure?"
"Yea why not? I don't have to be ashamed because I'm diffrent."
I stay silent, it has to be a big shock to Liam. His best friend is gay and he don't know about it.
"We're here." Zayn breaks the silence.
I park the car and get out to open Harry's door. When I open it he's sleeping. 'So cute.' I hear myself thinking and shake my head.
Astrid please, you hate him.
I wake him and grab his arm again.
We get inside the house and lead him to the couch. I'm surprised, I thought he would live in a small ugly house but this is a nice place.
"Thanks for thaking me home."
Harry says after almost an hour of silence.
"You're welcome." I turn around to walk away but Harry grabs my hand.
I don't know how to feel about this.
"Thanks Astrid."
"It's nothing really." I smile.
A few moments ago I was crying and now I'm standing next to Harry smiling.
I let go of his hand and walk to the front door, but Zayn's car is gone.
Are you kidding me? That drunk idiot drove away without me?
God must really hate me.
I get back inside and walk to the living room again. Harry is allready sleeping and I take a seat in the chair next to the couch. I'll text Liam to get me, he can't drive but I'm not staying hete alone with Harry.
To: Liam
- 'Liam I'm at Harry's place. Zayn drove me and Harry here but he left --' can you plaese come and get me? I'm not staying here and I'm not going to walk.'
I know Liam isn't drunk, he never is, Niall either. Kate doesn't drink and Celine is with Niall so she won't be drunk either. I'll text them too, to make sure someone reads it.
I'm worried about Zayn, does he really wants everybody to know his secret? The secret only I knew about?
I close my eyes, I'm exhausted.
Before I realise it I'm asleep.
I open my eyes, I see Harry and Liam, Kate, Celine, but Niall isn't here.
I get out the chair, my back hurts, I never sleep in a chair again.
Everybody's staring at me. Harry looks friendly, I never saw him this way. Liam and Kate look worried and a bit mad I think, like parents look at you when you did something wrong and 'dangerous'. Celine looks like she always does.
"How long are you guys here?"
"Half an hour."
"Let's go."
I thank Harry and he thanks me for the thirt time today, or was that allready yesterday? What time is it?
When we walk through the front door I see Niall waiting in the car. He's half asleep and the closing door wakes him.
Liam drives us home. However he doesn't have any driving license I feel comfortable and safe. I trust him.
"Who's car is this?" I question.
"My dad's" Celine anwsers me.
We get out the car and walk down the street. We all take a shower and get changed. I take a look at the clock.
04.42 what? I arrived at Harry's place at 01.30. Liam said he waited half an hour so he was there at 4 o' clock.
I was two hours and a half alone with Harry in the same room?
I put the light off and climb into my bed. After what feels like hours I
finally fall asleep.
*Kate's POV*
Liam gets changed while I remove my make up. Oh, I don't have any clothes with me to sleep in.
"You can take a shirt of mine." Liam says and I smile.
"Can you unzip me?" I ask and he nods his warm hands travel from my arms to my neck. I shiver, I take my hair in my hands as Liam unzips me. I feel his eyes staring at my scar. I step out of the dress and I can see Liam tries not
to stare at my body while giving me his shirt. We're laying on the bed next to each other, his big hands struggled in mine. "My mother's giving birth this week." I tell him.
"you want to be there"
"Of course, not there, but there, at the hospital." he nods.
"Do you want me to come with you?"
"You don't have to, but I would like it."
"Then I'll come with you."
"You don't have to if you don't want to"
"No, I want to see him, new born."
"Or her." I correct him.
"Or her." he repeats.
I stare at the ceiling.
"What's going on in that mind of yours?" He asks.
"I was thinking about the day we got away from here, from everything."
"Yea that was fun right?" He kisses my shoulder. "I love you Liam." I whisper and look down. He's already asleep.
I kiss his forhead before I fall asleep.

I'll remember him. ~onedirection~
FanfictionA one direction story about brothers, friendship, problems, hate, pain,to love and to be loved. Almost two years ago Kate had a car accident. She stayed in a hospital for five months and lost her memory. She can't remember anything, her family, fri...