*Kate's POV*
This were the best days of my life,
at least of those I can remember.
He changed my life so hard.
When he didn't show up the first time we met, my life would be completly diffrent. Because of him I can remember things that I won't without him. I need him, I need Liam.
We take or stuff together, that isn't much, only clothes because we left without ant plans or bagage.
We go downstairs and Liam pays for our night in the B&B.
We walk down the same small street to find a busstation. The whole time I didn't look at my phone after I putted it on silent. I grab it and look at the screen. 7 missed calls and 12 new messages. That can't be good.
Liam is doing the same thing.
"Auwch." he says and I look at his screen, 20 missed calls and 36 new messages. "I can't read them all. I'll text Niall were safe." I nod and send my mom that I'm okay. The most of his messages are from Astrid, that girl must be really worried about her olther brother. Niall and Celine texted him too. I've got messages from my mother and a few from Astrid and Celine.
Liam opens a conversation.
From: Sis x
-Liam where are you?
-Liam anwser me!
-stop ignoring me Liam!
- It's not funny anymore!
- Liam James Payne where are you?
- Are you okay?
- Liam call me!?
"She's really worried I should text her back." He says and start typing. His tumbs travel over the screen and I cab't stop looking at how he bites his lip.
To: Sis x
- Hey sis, well Kate and I stayed at a hotel and my phone was on silent, I'm sorry girl. I'll explain you everything when I'm home. x
Not even a minute later she anwsers, she must been looking at her phone every second.
-Liam I was worried! Next time let me know when you have plans. I thought you were dead! x
He smiles and puts his phone back in his pocket. I do the same and he wraps his arm around me to kiss my jaw.
I love him doing that. It makes me feel comfortable.
"In 15 minutes there's a bus back home." he informs me and I just nod, I don't know what to anwser.
We sit down on a bank and we lay our head against the glass of the busstation. I close my eyes, I'm not tired at all but just because I want to.
I hear the sound of a phone taking a picture. "Liam, don't." I say calm without opening my eyes.
His phone makes the same clicking noice again. I open my eyes and turn my head towards him and try to look mad. He finds my face very amusing and takes another picture.
"Liam I'm not kidding!" I say and take the phone out of his hands. I look at the picture of me sitting next to him with my eyes closed, I like this one.
"Just one picture? Please?" he says and I smile. I try to smile to the camera when he's taking pictures of us.
He looks at the pictures and chooses
one to be his background.
He takes the one he kisses my cheek while I smile bright.
I look happy,
"This is my favorite." I smile
and he kisses my cheek again just like on the picture.
The bus arrives and we get in.
I'm not surprised when there's nobody on it. It gives me a strange feeling.
The space is filled with the scent of old drunk men. I'm getting sick in here. The driver is drunk and I feel uncomfortable and totally not safe. He's driving slower than my grandmother on Sunday,
and believe me that's very slow.After 73 minutes driving we get off the bus. I let out a breath and Liam takes my hand. "yeah, that was terrible." Liam says and squeezes my hand.
We walk down the street to his house, it became me second home, or maybe it allready was but I forgot.
"What day is it?" I ask and Liam looks at his phone to check.
"Monday. We missed one day at school." He says. I never thought Liam would skip a day from school, I would, but Liam?
I'm surprised by his actions and he's too. Liam is a good guy. Sometimes he's too good, he's like a prince in the dreams I had when I was... Wait a minute... I remember a dream
from my childhood?
"Oh my god! This is amazing!" I yell and hug him tight.
I doesn't know what's happening but he just hugs me back. "I remember."
I whisper to myself, Liam didn't hear me, or he's pretending he didn't.

I'll remember him. ~onedirection~
FanfictionA one direction story about brothers, friendship, problems, hate, pain,to love and to be loved. Almost two years ago Kate had a car accident. She stayed in a hospital for five months and lost her memory. She can't remember anything, her family, fri...