(This is the thirt chapter I'm writing today. Twins are born! 👶👶)
*Celine's POV*
"The twins are born. They're called Max and Jade." Niall informs me while putting his phone back into his pocket. "That's great! I want to see them."
"We'll visit them tomorrow."
I always loved children. The thoughts of Niall playing with our kids make me smile. He's good with children I think. I never saw him with little kids before but I think he is good with them.
Kate must be happy with a little brother and sister.
"Do you want children?" I ask.
"Yea, I really want to have a son." he replies and I'm happy. For a second I was afraid he would say he doesn't want to have children.
"You'll be a wonderfull father."
"I hope so."
I kiss his cheek and he takes my hand.
"Let's go home." he says.
Sam is standing on the other side of the parking waving at me. "Just a second." I walk to my new friend and pull her into a hug.
"Thanks for everything Sam."
"That's what friends do right?"
Her friendly bleu eyes look beautiful on this sunny day. Her blond hair lays down on her shoulders. I hug her again and go back to Niall. He kisses me and before we leave I wave Sam goodbye.
The bus will arrive in five minutes and we sit down on a bench.
"We should get Anne a present." I say and Niall takes a lock of my hair between his fingers. "Sure."
The bus brings us to the mall and we get to Tony's babyshop. Its a bit strange to see a man running this shop with babystuff. "Can I help you?" The bald man asks.
"No, we're just looking around." Niall anwsers him. The man smiles and leaves us. He must think we're here for our baby... We're only sixteen.
We walk to the hall with babyclothes.
"This is cute." I hold a small pink dress and Niall nods. "Now something for Max too." He says and I follow him to the hall with toys.
Niall chooses a red car for Max and we walk to Tony. "This is it?" he asks and I nod. Niall doesn't want to let me pay for the gifts and takes his wallet.
"They will love it." Niall assures me and kisses my cheek. We take the bus back home and Mary puts the gifts into a green paper. "I'm going to visit Anne at the hospital." Mary sais, she takes the flowers from the table she bought this afternoon and leaves us with the green gifts.
*Louis' POV*
I'm happy to see my sister again. She changed since I last saw her, in a positif way. It has been too long I've seen her. I need to tell her about me and Emma.
They think I'm still going to college, but instead I'm living together with the girl I love and have a job at a coffee shop. I want to tell my mom but this isn't the right time. I'm going to wait until the kids get a little older. My mother will go crazy when she hears I'm living in an apartment with a girl when I'm only nineteen years old. She thinks I still live in a dorm but me and Emma allready live together for six months.
When she finds out she'll kill me.
"What do you want you eat." the voice of the girl who my mother gave life asks.
"I don't know you guys can choose."
"We can go to crusty's?" Liam proposes and I nod. It's been ages I went there.
My phone rings and Emma's name pops on the screen.
"You're not going to anwser?" Kate asks
When I keep staring at the phone.
"Of course." I anwser the phone and Emma's lovely voice sounds through the speaker. I walk outside so Kate can't hear us.
"Hey Lou, how are you?"
"I'm fine babe."
"Did you tell them?"
"No, it's not the right time."
"It never is."
"Please Emms she just gave birth, I need to help her the next weeks. After that I'll tell her I promise."
"You always promise Lou, when she'll find out she would kill you and you will have to leave me."
"I will never leave you Emms, we talked about this earlier."
"I know, I love you."
"I love you too babe, don't cry."
I imagine her sitting on the couch with her knees against her chest, her dark blond hair into a messy bun and her dark grey eyes full of tears.
"I won't" she sais allready crying.
"I have to go, bye Emms."
"Bye Lou, call me soon."
"I will."
I hang up the phone and walk back inside. It's getting dark and a small breeze makes me shiver.
Liam and my sister already putted their jacket on. "We can ask Niall and his girlfriend too." Kate proposes.
Great. I'm having dinner with two couples. "and Astrid." Liam adds. I remember her. She's a beautiful girl and we get along. Her brown eyes are exactly the same as Liam's.
Liam and Niall are twins but you can't see that. Niall doesn't look like Astrid or Liam at all. Mary has something to explain here.
But so do I. I really need to talk to my family about my life as an employee at Starbucks, but that's not the worst thing I need to tell her. That I'm living together with Emma will drive her crazy. She has planned the perfect future for me and Kate and Emma isn't part of that plan, Liam is. She wouldn't understand. How much I love her, what she does to me.
"Louis are you okay?" Liam smiles and waves at me. "uhm... sure."
We get into my grey car and in a strange way the colour reminds me of Emma's eyes. I miss her. I really couldn't live without that blonde.
I pull out of the parking lot and drive us into the town. It's not a long ride but it's cold outside so I'm glad we didn't came on foot.
I park the car and we get into the restaurant. Niall, Astrid and a brown haired beautiful girl are waiting for us.
Niall stands up from his chair and pulls me into a hug. Awkward. Astrid does the same, she looks great with her hair into a bun. Niall's girlfriend stands up and we kiss each other on the cheek Again awkward. "Hi, I'm Celine." she introduces herself. She's very beautiful, she's wearing a plain white dress and her curly hair lays down her shoulder. Her green eyes meet mine and I can see the little brown sprankels in them.
"I'm Louis, nice to meet you."
Kate, Celine and Astrid hug each other and start talking about girl stuff.
I'm sitting between Niall and his twin brother and theres an awkward silence.
I know the two of them for ages but it has been so long. Liam was one of my best friends, I really missed him but Niall and I didn't have a connection.
We got along but we weren't best friends or something.
"What do you guys want to drink?" A woman's voice breaks the silence.
"For all of us a soda please." Niall says.
The woman nods. "And to eat?"
"Six pizza's please." Astrid speaks now and the black haired woman nods again. She has a nose ring and shiny hair. She's wearing a short skirt, too short. Her bodyfat swings up and down when she walks. Discusting.
"Here is your pizza." the fat woman says. I'm sure she steals pizza's from the kitchen. 'Amy' her nametag says.
Fat Amy, she probably got bullied when she was a kid, or still. She puts the pizza's on the table and walks back to the kitchen to get our drinks. I can't look at her walking again.
When she comes back she has our drinks and the bill with her.
I take a drink from my soda, I'm thirsty. "How is college so far?" Astrid asks. I spit my soda back into the cup and Kate looks worried.
"Good, it's fun actually. I have a lot of friends and classes go well."
Kate frowns and looks back at her pizza. Thank god she doesn't look into my eyes, I can't lie to her.
When the eyes are no longer on me I start eating my pizza.
When we all finish our pizza Niall, Liam and I share the bill.
When we walk to the door a guy walks in. He's wearing boots and a black jeans. It's not that warm outside but hes only wearing a shirt. Suddenly everybody stays quiet and I see Celine blushes. Astrid gets nervous and looks down while the twins both look angry, Niall even more than Liam.
When I got in a fight I would rater like fighting with Niall than Liam. Maybe because Liam is one of my best friends but also because he's much stronger than Niall.
Where am I even thinking about?
"Who was that?" I ask when Kate closes the door behind us. "Nobody." Niall says and walks away from us.
"Niall wait!" Chelsey yells, or was it Celine? Astrid walks slower than usual and Liam grabs my sisters hand. Here I am, my first day home with my sort of friends, walking together but still alone. Astrid stops walking but I pretend like I didn't see her.
*Astrid's POV*
What is he doing here alone? I turn around and walk back to the restaurant. I open the door of glass and walk back in the red room. Harry is sitting in the back of the restaurant.
The fat woman gives me a strange look when she sees me again but I ignore her ugly face. She's wearing way too much make up. When I reach his table he looks up but doesn't get of his chair.
"How are you?" I ask. Why am I here? What am I doing?
"Uhm... I'm fine I guess." He doesn't ask me how I am, he tries to end the conversation. Without asking I take a seat in front of him and he gives me a strange look. "Are you going to stop being a jerk or what?" I hear myself almost screaming. Fat Amy wanted to take Harry's order but she dicides against it.
"Where are you talking about?" Harry asks and I have to calm myself before I start screaming again.
"You tried to fuck Kate, kissed Celine three times, fight with my brother and when I take you home you don't even thank me, when you see me you don't even say 'hi' or something!" Not that I care about him saying hi to me but I want to show him that he's a jerk.
"Thank you." he whispers.
"What!?" I almost scream again.
"Thank you for taking me home, I'm sorry for doing that to your friend and I'm sorry I kissed Celine, I'm sorry I provoked Niall. I realize Celine is happier with him and I'm moving on. I'm sorry I was such a prick."
His words replay in my head. I didn't expect him to say sorry. I hate Harry, do I? He's handsome and his green eyes are friendly but he's still a jerk. Astrid focus, this guy kissed Celine, tried to fuck Kate and fought with your brother. He did wrong things to your family.
But he said he's sorry.
"I need to go" I tell him and stand up.
"I'm really sorry, I'm moving on." he repeats but I ignore him. A part of me believes him, believes he's moving on and isn't a jerk anymore because he realizes Celine loves Niall. But a part of me thinks he's lying, that he still loves her and will do terrible things to my family to get her back.
I walk to the door and Harry doesn't follow me, I don't know how I feel about that.
What did I expect? That he would be nice to me and wanted to talk to me because I took him home? He probably doesn't remember he was drunk so what does it matter. That he changed? That he wasn't a jerk anymore?
Astrid please.

I'll remember him. ~onedirection~
FanfictionA one direction story about brothers, friendship, problems, hate, pain,to love and to be loved. Almost two years ago Kate had a car accident. She stayed in a hospital for five months and lost her memory. She can't remember anything, her family, fri...