*Kate's POV*
The teacher is giving our test back from yesterday, I studied for a long time.
"Kate, I'm used to see better things of you, did you study for this test?" Ohw.
It didn't go that well I guess.
"Yes, I did." I say and I mean it.
What. Is. This? Only one right anwser? He can't be serious! It didn't go bad.
I thought, this is unbelievable.
This is the fift test this week that I have bad grades. This can't go like this any longer. I need extra lessons.
"Hey babe, what's wrong?" Liam asks when he sees my face. He takes the test and his face is like he just saw a girlfight. "Ohw." he says "Kate, next time will be better. I'll help you." he says. I look at his test, 9/10.
Hes so smart. Too smart.
I smile and we walk out of the classroom. Didn't see this one coming.
Harry stands alone, really alone. He looks hurt and for a second I feel sorry for him. Liam seems to read my thoughts. "He has deserved it Kate."
He says and takes a book out his back.
"What class do we have now?" I ask him. "History." he says and shows me his book. Oh nice, another test to make.
I'm so nervous, my heands are shaking.
Was it 1749 or 1497?
My head's swimming.
"Time to finish." the teacher says and I really want to start crying. I'm used to have good grades but since that Harry thing I'm so stressed. I fail on every test and my mom's going crazy.
"That was really easy."
"So simple."
"When you don't have a 10/10 you're sick." All my classmates think it was easy. That last thing really hit my soul.
"When you don't have a 10/10 you're sick." My head's spinning, I couldn't fill in the most of the questions, I didn't remember any name of a king.
Am I sick?
Liam wraps his strong arms around my back and kisses my neck.
"Let's go home."
Home? Where does he mean home?
He calls his house my home?
He makes my heart race, every touch, every kiss, over and over again.
We get to the parking and Niall and Celine are kissing. I'm glad they made up so quickly. Niall has a big heart just like Liam. I'm asking myself they have this from their father. Liam takes my hand and leads me to a bank on the parking, we sit down and he's staring to nothing. "Liam?" I ask. Why are we sitting here? "What's wrong babe, why are your grades this bad?" he's still staring at nothing, only his chest moves when he's breathing. "I don't know, I study very hard, I'm just so stressed and..." I say but he interrupts me.
"Has it something to do with Styles?"
My eyes go wide. What is he saying?
"What?" I say and he still hasn't moved. "Since your, you know, with Styles your grades are bad, do you feel sorry for him? Are you in love with Styles?" why do they always call him 'Styles' instead of 'Harry'?
"I don't feel sorry for him and I'm not in love with him eather. Liam are you jalous of Harry?" I ask and he looks at me. Those eyes... "I'm not jalous." he says. "I just wanted to know that's all."
"Liam you know I'm in love with you! How dare you even think about me and Harry? Don't you trust me?"
I ask him, I'm wondering what he's going to say now.
"I trust you Kate, I just don't trust Styles." We can't be talking about this.
"First of all his name is Harry and the second, why do you have a problem with trusting him, I mean he has nothing to do with us." I say and he looks at his shoes.
"I don't want you to fall in love with him, I want you to be mine Kate, he'll try to make you wanting him and he'll try with Celine too and I'm scared that I'll end without you." he admits and looks in my eyes. His brown eyes look asking, asking for me to anwser.
"I really love you Kate, more than anything else." he adds.
"And I love you too Liam you know that! And I always will. Harry can't make my choices for me. I know how he is and I know he'll try but I'm not leaving you Liam, I love you and Harry can't take that away from me." I say and hes relieved his eyes get soft again and he gives me a weak smile.
"Let's get home." I steal his line and he smiles. He comes closer, very close, his face inches away from mine. I look at his lips and he's doing the same.
We start kissing and he puts his hand on my back, with his other hand he's striking my arm. His warm tongue is dancing with mine and I don't want this to stop. I want him to kiss me, make me feel like this forever.
I feel terrible I don't remember our relationship, our kissing, him leaving before my accident.
But I'm really trying to remember all these little things about him and he's trying to help me.
One day, I'll remember him.
"Come with me to my place, I'll help you with your homework." I nod and he takes my hand. I feel the butterflies comming up again.
How can he doub about my
love for him?
If he could only feel what I feel then he would know that he's the only one in my life. The bus arrives and we get in.
There are a lot of people in the bus and he takes a seat. I sit down next to him but he pulls me on his lap.
"Now I'm your studybuddy." he says and I laugh. Liam is just so hot but when he laughs he's so adorable.
I could stare at him forever.

I'll remember him. ~onedirection~
FanfictionA one direction story about brothers, friendship, problems, hate, pain,to love and to be loved. Almost two years ago Kate had a car accident. She stayed in a hospital for five months and lost her memory. She can't remember anything, her family, fri...