Wow guys thank you so much for reading and voting :) keep doing that! Comment what you think, but don't be mad whe the chapters are short. I upload almost daily so.... love you all! ♥
*Celine's POV*
"We can visit Anne and the baby's now they're home." Mary proposes me and Niall. Niall doesn't anwser his mother so I smile to make up his brutality. I run after him to the kitchen and grab his arm. "Why are you acting like this?" I ask him and he turns around to give me a look I never saw on him before. "How? How do I act?" he asks me with his voice full of sarcasm. I hate it when he's like this. "Like I'm doing something wrong to you, like a jerk actually." he laughs with my words. "It's not you, it's him. Everywhere we go he's there too." he turns around again and leans on a cabinet. "Harry? Niall please not again. You know I don't want him, you know I love you." I don't know why he's there every time we are at crusty's or at the movies. It's coincidence I think, well I hope it is. Harry knows I only want Niall, I told him a hundred times. I hope Harry can find a girl he can love and who loves him back. "Just come with me and your mother to Kate's place and act normal." I'm getting a bit frustrated of this Harry-thing. "I'm not coming, you guys can go." he has to be kidding me. "I'm not going without you Niall, you are coming with me." I'm getting angry. But when he ignores me he just going over the line. I walk away and slam the door behind me. He's not even coming after me.
"We can go." I smile to his mother and she gives me a frown. I don't feel like continuing to justify his behavior. He's acting like a child for no reason. I didn't even look at Harry, let alone talk. Marry shakes her head and grabs her car keys. "Let's go then." I'm glad she doesn't ask me why Niall isn't coming. Me and Niall never fought this often before... Maybe I changed. No, I didn't change. He did, because of Harry. He doesn't trust me anymore but I don't blame him. But he also is more jealous than before and greedy when it comes to me. I can't talk to a guy anymore except Liam, not even Zayn or Louis. His face when I kissed Louis' cheek to say hi... He almost killed him with his look. I need to talk to him about this.
"The presents are already in the car." she informs me and I nod. I totally forgot about them. Now I wont see Niall playing with Max with the little car he got him. I can't give them without Niall. "Just a second." I say and run back through the front door. Niall is putting on a sweater. "I wasn't letting you alone." he says. "I'm sorry Cel, you're right I'm an asshole. Can we just forget abut what just happened and enjoy our time together instead of fighting?" And my Nialler is back. "I was coming to get you, I didn't want to go alone." I whisper and I feel the tears coming up. Why? Why am I always so emotional? I'm just scared to lose the one I love the most. "I love you Celine." he whispers and gets closer. "I love you too." I whisper back. Our lips are only inches away from each other. He puts his hand on my hair and turns cirkels with his thumb on it. Our lips touch, the taste of his pink lips feels like coming home. "we... have to go..." I say into his mouth and he slightly gets his lips off mine. It feels like years we kissed. It's been five days or something... too long. He grabs my hand in his soft hands and pulls me through the door to the car. Mary's waiting inside. We're sitting on the backseat, his heand on my thigh. I'm staring out the window looking at the passing cars and houses.
When we arrive at Kate's place I realize I've never been here before. I should visit her more often, just to talk. The drive isn't that long. Mary parks the car and Niall opens my door for me. I smile and pull my shirt a bit lower. Niall smiles and guides me with his hand on my lower back to the front door of the big house. Anne opens the door with a huge smile and kisses each of us on the cheek.
"Come in, they're upstairs." Anne tells us and we walk up the stairs. Kate and Liam open a door and show us the two kids. They are adorable. The boy looks just like his older brother and Jade has Kate's eyes. The two of them are way too cute. Max opens his eyes and looks around. He smiles when he sees us. "Hey little guy." Niall says and strikes his little belly. The baby grabs Niall's finger. NIall blushes and smiles, he looks at me not knowing what to do or say. The image of Niall with Max will never leave my memory. "You can hold him if you want." Kate says and Niall nods. He takes the little boy in his arms and rocks from the left to the right with his body to calm the baby down. Max start smiling again and Niall tickles his neck. The boy starts giggling and turns his head to the left and to the right again. Niall needs to laugh at the little guy and puts him back in his cradle. "I got something for you." Niall whispers and gives Anne the present and does the same for Jade's present. "You didn't have to do this." Anne says and tears the paper. She holds the pink dress n the air and smiles. "It's beautiful, Jade look, this is for you." the little girl smiles and claps her hands. She lays the pink dress on the dresser and opens the second present. "I guess this one is for you." Anne smiles at Max. She hands him the car and the kid looks very happy. "Thank you guys." Anne says and her eyes get wet. "It's wonderful to see you have real friends, I'm happy you guys came here to visit." Anne sobs and Mary wraps her arm around Anne's shoulder. "You're welcome honey, we're happy to be here."
"Who wants some coffe?" Kate asks and we all nod. We all follow Kate to the dining room but Niall grabs my arm. He waits until we're alone in the hallway and all the others are on the stairs to kiss me. Hard. I love him s much. My hands travel to his hair and tug softly. We didn't kiss in five days and now he kisses me like this twice in less than an our. I can get used to it.

I'll remember him. ~onedirection~
FanfictionA one direction story about brothers, friendship, problems, hate, pain,to love and to be loved. Almost two years ago Kate had a car accident. She stayed in a hospital for five months and lost her memory. She can't remember anything, her family, fri...