*Kate's POV*
When the words leave his full lips my stomache flutters. 'Still beautifull.' the words keep repeating in my head.
"I'll make breakfast while you get yourself ready." Liam says and gets out of the bed. His shirt is a bit too small so you can see his muscles. How did I deserve someone like him?
Thank god I met him that day he told me he was my best friend, the day I broke his heart by telling him I couldn't remember him at all. Not even his name. And now were in love, again.
The only thing that keeps swimming in my head is that maybe I'm the cause of his fathers dead. Liam knows it was a red car, it happend in the same year. To be sure I only need an exact date of his father's dead. When he died the 26 of June... I don't know what I have to do when I'm sure about it. Do I have to tell him? Or better not? What if he doesn't want to see me again?
Without Liam I'm nothing, nobody.
I shake my head, I can't think about this. When I look up Liam already left the room.
I get some jeans and a sweater from the dresser. I put them on and walk to the bathroom. I was my face and curl my hair. I put some light make up on and brush my teeth.
When I arrive in the dining room Liam is carying three cups to the table.
Right, Louis.
I still can't believe it. I don't know how to act when hes around. I can't just be normal with him, like nothing is going on. But I can't be mad at him either. He doesn't deserve that. He's still the old Louis, my older brother who teached me to ride a bike, who was always there for me if I needed him. Who came home of college after my accident
Was he in college when I had that acciden? Or did he live allready with that Emma? He's living with her for six months and my accident happended in June. No, If he's telling the truth he was still in college at that moment. Louis quitted school in September... Probably he didn't even start this year.
"Wow, what are you thinking about?"
Liam smiles at me and I wake up from my thoughts when he waves his hands for my eyes. "Nothing." I give him a fake smile, of course he knows I'm lying. I'm a terrible liar but as good as he is he isn't asking any questions.
His hair is laying perfectly like always.
He puts his arms around my waist and kisses my forhead. I close my eyes and I feel him smiling against my skin.
He pulls me even closer what I didn't think was possible. We're standing like this for a minute or two... Maybe three. I dont have any idea of time. When I'm with him the time goes so fast. He smells the same like always, I don't know what he smells like but I like it. I'll keep it on Liam, he smells like Liam.
After breakfast Louis comes downstairs. His hair is messy and his eyes half opened. He doesn't say a word and starts to eat his breakfast.
"You just give them their milk and play with them, stay inside. You can put them other clothes on..." I start but Louis interrupts me. "Yea, chill out."
I roll my eyes, it isn't the right time for a discussion with him.
I hope our relationship doesn't change after everything. I think he hopes the same. We both don't want it to change but we can't help it, it just happens.
"Okay than we will go, call me if something is wrong." he doesn't anwser me, he doesn't even look at me or give me a smile or a nod.
"Louis if you think this is a game... it's not. I'm leaving you alone with two newborn kids and you act like it's a piece of cake and you don't give a fuck about them. They're your family Louis! And so am I! How can you be doing this to me and to mum? How can you keep lying to her after you lied to her for six months already? How can you even look at us without feeling guilty?
This can't go on like this anymore! If you don't tell her tonight I'll tell her and you can leave. I don't need a liar like you in this house!"
I'm out of breath. I feel Liam's eyes burning on my back but I don't care.
Louis looks hurt, as hurt as he has to feel. I'm sick of this and I mean every word I said.
" I do care about them! If I didn't care about them or my mother I wasn't here at all! Then I was sitting on the couch watching a movie with my girlfriend. And I'm not telling her tonight, you aren't either. I'm telling her when I'm ready to tell and when she's ready to hear. You can't make me leave my own house Kate. I feel guilty about lying to her, every time she smiles at me it breaks my heart! But you dont understand. I'm happy with Emma and I made the right choice. She makes me happy and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. Kate you just don't understand... just stay out of my business and think about your own."
His words hit me.
I do understand him. I just can't velieve he lied to us for so long. What if she breaks his heart and leaves him? He will be devestated and he will regret he quitted school this early. He's only nineteen.
"Liam, let's go." I say and turn around. I hear Louis calling my name but I ignore him.
"Fuck!" he yells and throws his cup on the floor.
When Liam closes the door behind us I start crying. I can't hold my tears any longer. "Hey Katie, what was that all about?" Liams voice is full of concern and his strong arm is wrapped around my shoulder. His hot skin on mine makes me shiver. The tears keep rolling down my face and Liam's thumb tries to dry my skin.
"He lives together with his girlfriend?"
Liam asks and I realize I didn't anwser his question yet.
"And he didn't tell you about?"
I shake my head, Liam kisses my cheek to comfort me but this time it isn't helping.
"Everything is gonna be allright."
We start walking to the busstation, Liam's arm still where he was but my body is pulled against his. He kisses my hair, normally my stomache would be fluttering now but the only thing I can think about is Lious and I yelling at each other. It made me scared, the way he smashed his cup against the floor.
He's pretty upsad, I hope he won't hurt the baby's.
No he won't he's still Louis. He wouldn't hurt anybody and totally not his family.

I'll remember him. ~onedirection~
FanfictionA one direction story about brothers, friendship, problems, hate, pain,to love and to be loved. Almost two years ago Kate had a car accident. She stayed in a hospital for five months and lost her memory. She can't remember anything, her family, fri...