The Rebellion

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"I should of known!" I thought as I ran through the thick forest, branches slapping my face; I should have known he would find me before I found him. Sweat ran down my forehead along with blood, my eyes searching for any way of escape. I paused, my lungs felt like they were going to explode. My legs were turning into Jello. Thats when I heard it; a faint noise coming from the trees. I spun around sword in hand, ready what might be my last fight. I took a step forward but I was still hesitant, I knew death better than any half-blood - being the son of Hades and all - but yet I was not sure if I wanted to face it.

I had faced so many hurtles in my life: the battle of New York, the war with Gaea, and telling Percy my true feelings. I was not going to let some foul beast take my life away. The wind rushed through my hair almost like a warning. My stomach turned inside of me, my heart was pounding in my chest, and my palms were starting to become sweaty.

Then it rose; one of those stupid rebel zombies who were trying to overrun my father. Usually, this situation wouldn't be a problem, the Rebellion was never truly a threat, it had been going on for years without anyone knowing, yet in recent events they had become stronger. Of course Olympus could not be bothered to intervene unless it broke out on the surface. I swung my sword hacking the undead trader's right arm off (less gruesome than it sounds, it was barley on to begin with). I was ready for the next swing, until, the rebel began to laugh.

"You think you can win! I was a demigod like you once, I thought the whole world was in the palm of my hand. Until your father took that away form me!" He chuckled and sneered, he was a demigod, that was for sure. A son of Apollo to be exact. I never had a problem with children of Apollo other than Octavian, well until now.

"This is pointless!" I shouted, I could feel my voice echo across the forest.

"Oh son of Hades you will never understand; you have lived a life of power. The revolution would love to have such royalty on our side, Ghost King." He sneered. How come people were always trying to turn me to the dark side? Was it just something about me? (don't answer that.) Out of all the children of the big three, we all had equal strength. But were Percy and Jason constantly asked to join an evil alliance? Or secret rebellion against the gods? Or a group of monsters bent on revenge? No. They only got the highest praises for being sons of Poseidon and Zeus, (don't get me wrong, they're my friends - but it just gets annoying).

"How about you and your rebel scum friends go back where you came from?" I sneered. I was getting sick of this. Two weeks of chasing rebels around like some strange game of tag. I was tired and cold and wanted to take a nice long nap, yet I could not do that because of this last rebel who escaped.

"You know Mr. DiAngelo, for a son of Hades you are more pleasant to be around than people give you credit for." He gave me a wicked smile.

"Thanks, I guess." I don't know what happened after that, I spent so much time talking, but he punched me with the remaining arm. Out of all people I wasn't one to talk much, yet there I was laying on the ground with a bloody nose (now I finally know how Percy felt). I tried to stand but my body loved the idea of lying down so much, it wouldn't let me get back up. The undead trader laughed over me like some kind of villain in those cheesy movies. I was ready to get up and choke him, but my muscles were losing feeling, and my vision was blurry, the world was spinning around me. The last time I had this feeling was before I was stuffed in that stupid jar (I still have nightmares about that). The world continued to spin, until all at once, I blacked out.

Suddenly, I felt something shaking me violently. My eyes were to tired to open, and my mouth to dry to say anything. "Please, just go away," I wanted to say. To no surprise, no sound came out, only the feeling that something decided that I needed to feel my own personal earthquake. Soon I could hear a voice yelling at me, I could not tell who it was but I could tell it was a girl or a boy that puberty was not kind to.

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