The Fantasy

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I couldn't even cry my eyes were to tired. William used me, he was one of them; a rebel. What did that mean "I didn't want to jeopardize the mission." I was nothing to him, but a mission. Then he had the nerve to add "And I didn't want to hurt you." He said it like he was justifying his actions, the worst part of it was I still loved him.

"I'm an idiot." I had one rule, one promise to keep for my self; don't fall in love with heroes that will only break my heart. Yet here I was my heart smashed like glass, for a hero who would never love me. I was staring into oblivion, I wanted to wake up from this nightmare; wake up to my life without any of this demigod nonsense. I did that sometimes, pretend I was still in the 1930's, and this world was nothing but fantasy. My eyes were never going to open from this life, I am stuck here; I rolled to my side feeling homesick. I was the common joke of Camp Half-Blood, the boy who would never fit in. I knew feeling sorry for myself would accomplish nothing, but I kept me from thinking about him. He never liked me I was just a weapon in his eyes, like I am in everyone's eyes. I looked at my hands healing quickly, but still ghoulish: with dried blood under my fingernails, dried and cracking, and being almost pure white. I wanted to throw up, but nothing came up just more pain; then someone knocked on the door.

"Your majesty, I'm here with your food." He came in swiftly, then stopped midway. With a look of courage, his lips moved like he was about to tell me something. I looked at him, I didn't want to hear him speck. I didn't even like hearing my voice right now. The courage slowly left his face and was replaced with a cowardly smile; then he rushed out leaving the food. My hand slowly traced the plastic tray my food had come on; it came with a tiny spoon. William worked for them, he would know that I would try to take my life away so nobody could use me. Staring at me was; a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a chocolate pudding, and an apple. I pushed it away I rather starve than eat this food, I just wanted to sleep; I looked at the red apple.

"An apple a day keeps the doctor away." I muttered, my hand laced around the fruit and I took a bite; then the world went dark. No nightmares dared to cross me, only the buzzard ones came to play. The world was losing color, I felt like I was flying, and I was being plucked from this world; my grip on reality slipped. My head felt like someone was hitting it with a hammer, I didn't know were I was anymore. Then my eyes opened.

"Nico wake up." I new that voice, but that's impossible, she has been dead for years.

"Mom." I couldn't comprehend what was happening, how could this happen?

"Nico you were having a nightmare." Tears welled up in my eyes, I missed her so much. I pulled her close in a huge, she smiled and hugged me back.

"I missed you so much." I cried into her, not truly understanding how this was happening.

"You were only asleep for an hour." Her hands ran through my hair, and she began to hum.

"It felt a lot longer that's all." Was my entire half-blood life nothing but fantasy, were all my friends nothing but my imagination playing tricks on me. My mom looked down at me with the sweetest smile, like she was saying I was okay now. I looked on the ground and I saw a book, Greek and Roman Mythology. That's how the dreams started I concluded. I herd more voices, my sisters voice.

"Bianca!" My heart raced.

"Yes, her and your father went out for groceries." I jumped out and ran towards my sister. I jumped in her arms making her drop a bad of food, but I didn't care I had her back.

"Nico get off me." She sneered, she never did like being hugged from me.

"Nico can you please get off your sister." There was my dad he looked like himself, but less powerful; more mortal.

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