The Stars

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The ground trembled underneath me, the rage burned bright within my soul. I looked around me, while the room quivered in fear of me; I stomped across the old wooden floor and grabbed the door nob, locked. Under normal circumstances I would try to logic my way out of this, but I was so consumed by anger, nothing was going to stand in my way. I could hear the sound of William's voice telling me off, how it was my fault; I was not going to let this happen. The room was still shaking violently, it reminded me of the night were everything went to hell. I kicked open the door, memories and anger taking control of my dark magic; I was no longer in my body only a spectator to the destruction it was causing.

"What are you doing?" screamed my captor, she was covered in dust and ashes.

"You will kill us both!" I looked to the front door which had rubble from the roof blocking it.

"No." I whispered.

"Just you." I could feel the shadows grabbing her.

"Where is William!" I screamed over the ciaos, she looked paralyzed with fear. Darkness soon covered the room, leaving one light on so I could see her face.

"Please!" She shirked.

"I know nothing!" She tried to reasoned.

"Lies!" I could feel the room caving in on us, then she began to laugh.

"You really love him don't you?" She snickered.

"There is much more to William Solace than you think." She gave me a look of insanity; I could see the darkness consuming her body.

"Long live the Rebellion!" Her voice carried through out what was left of the house, then she was gone. I let her go, horrified at my own work. I needed to find William before it was to late, I wanted to shadow travel yet I knew it was sabotaged. The earthquake stopped as I walked to the door my foot steps echoed hauntingly through the rubble.

"Guess I have to walk." I looked up to the sky, it was hard now I still think of Bob. How I spent all that time talking about Percy, and here I was again thinking about another hero who will never love me. I made it to the barn, my mind was now regaining focus. Mostly trying to forget what happened in the now destroyed house, then I saw something in the corner of my eye.

"The Backpack!" I hobbled to the worn out blue backpack, I opened it to see nothing was touched. Yet I brought in the barn with me, I peered into through the gates; nothing looked tampered with. I saw that candle, the one that got me trapped; I stomped over there with hatred in my eyes, it once again tried to compel me, but not this time. I threw it to the opposing side where it caught a blaze, I walked out with murder in my eyes. Grabbing the backpack for all I knew there was a tracker in there so they could find me, but that is what I wanted. The skies stayed still, the stars dormant and content.

"Hello Zoe." I mumbled.

"Mind helping me out?" I knew there was no way she could, she was part of the sky her spirt ran free; but I needed to talk to someone or else I might kill again. I looked back to the fire, it was beautiful and lit up the entire road. Hatred grew strong, I could tell my powers were consuming all around it; because every plant I walked past died or simply disappeared.

"The Rebellion" I snarled, I walked along the road; I never knew where their headquarters were. Yet I had a feeling they would find me first, and for once I wanted that. My only guide were the stars, there were no signs not even any land markers; just miles and miles of roads. I kept looking at Zoe, not expecting anything just hoping for anything. It helps distracted me from my upcoming breakdown, Zoe and I never really talked when we did it was always about Bianca. About how great she was, strong, and a true warrior, and so independent; but we never got on any personal topics. They always pushed me off as some little annoying kid, I didn't care thought; all I cared about was that Bianca was happy. Depression struck me like an arrow and with it a wave of misery, along with my body giving up from all of the dark magic.

"Bianca." I whispered, as I collapsed on the ground. My sister who wished I never happened, like so many. She just saw the real me before anyone else, the pain met my heart. I sat down sorrow in my heart, rage I my eyes; I was a disaster waiting to happen (again). I started to look through my bag, no longer I had the light of the fire, I had gone to far. Nothing unexpected other than a few bandages and a tube of rash ointment, every thing else was free game. Two knives, one hatchet, pepper spray, a dagger, and something else wedge for maximum difficulty to get it out of the bag; an arrow. Not a normal arrow though this one seemed grimmer, with my blood dripping from the tip. Almost as if Apollo slapped me in the face, it was an arrow that cut me, and my blood still appeared fresh; as if I had cut myself a few hours ago.

"Why do you people love to torment me?" I cried into the night.

"What have I ever done to you?" My voice being carried into the frosty air, just looking at that arrow reminded me off my suffering. Arrows and I don't have a good history, first Bianca joins the Hunters, then William who's heart I broke along with mine. I could not tell who hated me, but it was defiantly one of those twins. I looked to the stars, how they glowed in the night; perfectly timeless.

"I know you can't hear me, but please- "My voice choked.

"Help me." These worlds came out so pathetically, I could almost hear the gods now.

"Nico Di Angelo son of Hades asking for help." One would chuckle.

"What kind of demigod is he?" Another would join in.

"And how dare he ask for our help, and look at him; starring at the stars!" They would laugh.

"Looks like poor little Nico needs saving again." A wave of hysteria would pass over all of the gods, if I had any energy left in my body I would have screamed at the sky. However, all of my energy was drained, and it was freezing; therefor I would not be moving from this spot till morning. Yes, I knew I was the joke of Olympus either feared or laughed at; I kept staring at the constellations, for anything. I was still wearing those stupid stripped pajamas; obesely not meant for January weather. My feet and finger tips were starting to get numb, yet I still laid there. They stars were beautiful, like tiny crystals gracing everyone with their presents.

"No wonder Bob wanted to see you so badly." I mumbled, he used to love it when I talked to him about it.

"Tell me more." He would say with glee in his eyes, thinking about it filled me with even more dread.

"I miss you Bob." I could feel my eye lids getting heavier.

"And you to Zoe." My voice weaker.

"I'm sorry Bianca." Tear rolled down my cheek.

"Good bye William." I felt the shadows consume, me along with the frost. I knew I would be dead by morning, and how no one would ever know why or how; other than the stars.

End of Chapter Four

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