The Fire

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After my lovely encounter with William I was starting to have more confidence about my plans, but something did feel off; if William was part of the Rebellion, then so were more campers. It made sense, the Rebellion was huge, and they probably wanted as many demigods as possible. It wasn't like everyone at camp didn't rebel against the gods and what's more rebellious like than joining the Rebellion? I looked around me everyone around me might be a future enemy, but I had to keep calm if there were eyes all around than why not give them a show. As much as I wanted to walk up to every camper and ask if they were a rebel, that would take way to long and I would most likely not get honest answers. Maybe focusing on William was not the best battle strategy of getting rid of the Rebellion, true he could be of assistance in my assassination of their leader; but I feel that would only be a temporary solution. I would have to round up the others and see what who I'm up against, and if I have time take care of it. Frost bit at my nose, and the winds slightly picked up; my jacket was surprisingly warm, but I still wanted out of the cold. I figured I would go see where Hazel was at, hopefully she was at our cabin; lucky for me she was sitting on her bunk with a rough looking diamond in her hands.

"Hey." I smiled, she looked up still mindlessly playing with the precious gem.

"Hi." She wasn't very chatty but her tone wasn't bitter, I sat beside her my weight barley effecting the matters; she leaned ageist me her breathing synced with mine.

"Where were you?" Her eyes looking mildly puffy from when she was crying, but it was going down.

"I was at the infirmary talking to William." I answered, as I could feel a small vine wrap around my wrist.

"That's not what I meant, where did you disappear to?" The vine tightened its grasp, I wanted to tell her the truth, but I didn't want to endanger her. I know she can take care of herself, but I don't want to bring more demigods into this unless its necessary.

"Hiking." I said.

"Those tracks took me to some strange places, but I'm home now and that's what matters."  I smiled, Hazel looked at me not pleased at my answer.

"Why are you lying to me?" Her tone much colder.

"Because I-I was, on a secret quest; and I wasn't allowed to tell anyone else." Why didn't I start, with that one its much more convincing? Hazel seemed to buy it, as I could see her processing the information.

"What did you have to do?" She looked up at me, my real answer would have been long and depressing; making her feel shame for not coming to my aid.

"Well I'm not allowed to tell, if I do then a lightning bolt might strike me." I looked at the ground, this was for her own good, so how come I felt guilty for lying?

"Oh, well at least your home now and that's all that matters." She nudged me with her shoulder smiling, I wrapped my arm around her giving her a side ways hug; I was doing this for her own good, for the good of everyone. The rest of my afternoon was clear, until sword practice; now is my chance to see who is now my enemy. With my Stygian iron sword with frost slowly developing on the tip of my blade, some eyes gazed upon me with a smug look on my face I walked towards a few Ares kids who seemed to be cowering at my presence; I could hear them gulp I and I could smell their fear. With my eyes looking strait into their soul, watching them squirm under my gaze; I smiled calmly and raised my left hand with the scare still present, the flinched like they expected me to swing at them.

"Would any of you like to train with me?" they didn't speak, they only shifted uncomfortably.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue." I smirked maliciously, one decided to be brave and looked at his brothers.

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