The Forgotten

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The bloody heart was motionless, I never thought The Rebellion was the sacrifice type. But I've been a misjudged of people before and The Rebellion was full of all types of wackos, some who could wear a mask so easily you were convinced it was their skin. Then like lightning a thought struck me.

"Who sent the heart, it's not like just anybody could just waltz to our front door and knock." Silence fell upon Hades and Persephone, as they look at each other.

"It was found at the entrance, anyone can walk past that even mortals." Persephone grimace, I knew they had probably hoped for the same thing I had, that maybe the delivery boy had some answers for us.

"We mustn't become distracted! We must commence with phase two, Nico you know what you have to do." My father's expression was grave his voice stern. I knew what I had to do and it wasn't gonna be pretty, it was time to use the information I had gained turn it into a weapond. Their vunerabilities will be exploted, but to do that I need to speak with them; see the sweat drip off their browl. Then once on the verge of tears demand to know how I strike down The Rebellion for once and for all, but they already know I am no longer holding back so a little chat might be difficult to achive. In all honesty I did'nt want to spill more blood, as satisfying as it was removing that boys arm; Chiron unfortently got to me, I never was close to him but for a moment I felt like i'd had become my stereotype. Despite this I need to stay focused on my quest and I know I cannot keep prisoners.

"Ill go to the target area, I assume the members of our least favourite cult have started to flea." I turned to walk away, then I felt my father's hand on my shoulder.

"Be carful son." His eyes met mine, he had an expression that was unfamiliar to his face. Anguish. Persphone gave a smile of confidence, but her eyes showed a different kind of remorse, the kind of expression you give a dead man. I know the pressure that was on this, one slip up and a bunch of hoologans letting everyone live. I had to keep my own fear hidden, I had to be brave. I slipped into the shadows before I could give the grimaced goodbyes any thought, off to the target area.

I emerged from the darkness where I took a step ivy sprouted, I could already sense the presence of those I had terrorized  before.  It was dawn, some darkness still stained the sky and the suns harsh glow reviling persian blue sky. The morning dew soaked into my boots as I walked through the trees, I looked around to see if there were any familiar silhouettes but there was no one. I could sense them though, and it was growing stronger there was a lonely swing set and old slide remaining motionless, some prior spying had shown that this was a regular "emergency area" it was an abandoned park only five miles away from camp. I remained still trying to isolate the position of the traitors, then something broke my focus a little wood carving in an oak tree. It was a heart with the initials N.D scratched in, it looked fresh. Then I could hear a gasp, and I knew I wasn't alone.
"Um, hey Nico." I felt a pair of familiar eyes gaze upon me. Part of me was afraid to turn around, to see him in that uniform. I stood facing the other way.
"You've made a mistake coming here." I slowly drew my sword the sound carving my ears.
"That isn't necessary." I could hear him walking towards me, my grip only tightened. My chest tightened his voice became closer.
"Take one more step and I'll treat you no different." He stoped, my knuckles turn white around the handle. I knew it wasn't the two of us, there were more and they were waiting. Ting glints of metal could be seen within the trees, weapons prepared to be soaked with my blood my sword waiting for the same. "You weren't even man enough to come alone."
"It's just precautions Nico, you understand right?" His voice sounded so sincere like he was talking about life jacket instead of five rebel soldiers waiting to kill me.
"You won't win you know that right." My voice became bitter.
"With you on our side we'd win in a heartbeat." He took a step forward and I kept my promise, I swung. I was so focused on those pointing arrows at me I didn't realize how close he had actually gotten. I turned and we were nose to nose, my arm smacking into his shoulder him quickly dodging it. He grabbed my hips swinging me into a dip.
"Hey." I could feel his breath on my skin, his cologne bring me back to those long night in the infirmary where we would talk for hours. The Will I though I new, I thought I loved.
"Let me go!" I struggled his arms wrapped tight around me, my sword fallen from my grasp.
"Nico please."
"Your just as bad as them, your worse you tricked me. I-I though you care about me, I thought you love me. I though I loved you." It was not tactical anymore, Williams eyes shattered like glass as his grip slightly loosened giving me a chance to escape. My sword quickly returning to my hand, as he fell to his knees looking up at me. "Luckily I'm over that now." They came towards me like a flash each with bows with flying arrows and daggers with brass points. With simple swings I cut two of them down, vines beginning to grasp their necks the thorns piercing their throats. Will just say their still with his eyes focused on the ground, one arrow came close to my face but I caught it mid air. When I was done only small moans floated among the air, I went straight for Will lifting his head to meet his eyes with mine. Tears welling up in his eyes as he rested his chin on my sword. "Tell your masters the Rulers of the Underworld accept your challenge, we will go to war and drown your cause in the blood you so foolishly relinquished." His mouth tried to make words but nothing came out small whisper escaped.
"Please Nico don't do this, I beg you...please don't." I smirked despite the pain.
"And why should I listen to you?"
"Because...I can't risk it."
"Risk what your precious life?" He lifted his head from my sword a single tear rolling down his cheek. "There going to kill you Nico, they wanna make an example of you." This was not a surprise the Rebellion has placed a target on my back and they were ready to fire.
"What the Hell is new." I pushed the blade slightly into his neck. Two more tears followed.
"I can't tell you more, of your gonna kill me just do it. But please listen to me, if you go quietly into the night no one will get hurt. I swear the Rebellion wants a bright future, a future worth fighting for. I know you hate us, that you-hate me, but please...don't run into this." I paused for a moment, how could he still be this loyal to them?
"If I kill you wont be able to send the message, so go back to the future you want to live in." I swirled him in darkness rushing him to the home of the Rebellion where he would meet a fate worse than I could provide, him and his rebel scum swirled them into a pool of inky blackness.
"Nico... it was never a game." Then he disappeared, I was alone knowing war was waiting for me and I already knew what I would have to do.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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