The Rain

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The Rain

    As foot steps made the old floor boards creek, I could feel sweat run down my forehead. Trying not to make a sound, I tried to move Persephone's hand off my mouth; yet her muscles were to tense. She looked so panicked, I didn't even know a god could look like that; her breathing was quite but also very fast. She was not wearing her usual sophisticated gowns, she was wearing a stealthier outfit: with black sweat pants, a dark blue kangaroo coat, old leather gloves, and an old beanie.

"Okay I'm going to remove my hand, don't scream; okay." She whispered, I nodded. Her hand slowly left my mouth, the taste of her glove still lingering in my mouth. I took a shallow breath, still dazed from what I had just heard. Then came more foot steps.

"What was that?" I heard my mother, or who I thought was my mother say.

"I don't see anyone." The false god of the Underworld muttered. 

"Maybe it was just the wind?" Bianca questioned.

"Trust me kid, where we are there is no wind." Snickered my father.

"Both of you shut up." The voices were changing now; they were more rough, like the swallowed a bucket of crushed glass. I couldn't tell what they were doing, but I'm not sure if I wanted to.

"Go check on the Ghost King." Snarled the sinister version of my mother, I heard two sets of foot steps walk towards my room. I looked up at Persephone with my heart in my throat, trying to gulp it back I pulled at her sleeve. She jolted like she had made Zeus angry, she nodded at me and began to stand up.

"Okay Nico I'm going to get you out of here okay." I couldn't talk.

"I'm going to make a diversion, and when I do run."  A bitter chill ran down my spine, and my mouth was filled with acid.

"How do I know your real, how do I know I'm not just dreaming." Fury soon began to swallow me, I was not going to give up my perfect life; for a life of heart break and misery.

"Because Nico, you don't have a choice. I know you're a smart kid, and I also know those things are not your family. They are creatures that are only here so you don't escape, so please Nico; let me help." Tears weald up in my eyes.

"So are you coming with me or staying here?" I knew what I needed to do. Persephone left the closet and I was left in complete darkness, then I heard it; It sounded like thunder.

"He isn't in his room!" screeched my family, I stood up ready to accept my fate; my true fate. All of the sudden the apartment begins to shake, it felt like the world was going to crumble under my feet. Then I run strait to the door, not looking back until she grabbed me.

'Where do you think your going!" The imposter of my mother screamed, her face looked like it was melting; reveling a decaying face with razor sharp teeth. I tried pulling away, but her grip was to strong.

"Don't leave us your majesty, we can be your new family. We can make you so happy, all you need to do is help us!" I could feel my arm being crushed underneath her touch.

"Join us your majesty, join the Rebellion and be happy!" Blood seeped through my shirt, and I could hear my bones snap.

"Leave me alone, you aren't my family. I will never join your filthy rebellion!" With one last tug I pulled myself free, and smashed threw the door falling down the stares. I whimpered in pain, but got up and kept running; I could hear her shrieks in the distance.

"You will regret this Ghost King! The power of the Rebellion is much stronger than your father's kingdom. Long live the Rebellion!" then the house faded into darkness, keeping a tight grip on my arm I stopped in an ally. Trying to catch my breath, the world was spinning around me; the pain from my arm was shooting up into my head. My own body was fighting agents me, but I needed to fight it.

"I see you made it." Persephone smiled, she gestured to my arm. I raised it so she could take a look, it began to rain.

"I knew you were a smart kid, and don't worry about that arm. We will get you a cast and you will be good as new." She sounded so sympathetic, maybe she did care about me. Her hand glided over the area that was gushing my blood, within seconds the bleeding stopped.

"I can't fix your arm, but a can stop the bleeding for a while. Trust me I'm no Apollo- "she cut off like she knew how much it stung thinking about him, I looked away from her letting the rain drench me from head to toe.

"What I meant to say way, your arm will be okay for now." I couldn't look at her; my mind was to busy wandering; thinking about him.

"We should hurry they might have reinforcement coming." Persephone motioned for me to follow, so I did. What was a slow jog becoming a fast sprint, it looked like my old neighborhood was being washed away; from the down pour from the sky. The rain masked my tears, and showed me the truth. I know now I can never be happy, as long as the name Ghost King hung around my neck. There was a chance that Persephone really did care about me, but she was probably just trying to save her own skin. The rain was slapping my face like little needle points, the cold went straight to my bones. Yet my body kept running, I knew there was no chance for me to have a happy ever after. Face it: my home was going to be destroyed, everyone was afraid of me, and worst of all my prince charming was actually my worst nightmare. Escape from my life was impossible, but if I wasn't going to have a happy ending; then over my dead body I was going to let William Solace have one.

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