The Awakening

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"Nico, Nico wake up." A gentile voice spoke to me.

"You will not be defeated that easily." I could feel her stroking my hair.

"A true hero would never cower in the face of danger." I must have been hallucinating, it comforted me.

"I believe in you." She whispered in my ear, I could still feel her warm hand stroking me like a feline. My eyes twitched open, for some reason knowing that someone believe in me; rooting for me made me strong.

"Who is there?" My voice tinged with frost, no one was there. I looked around me expecting hypothermia to have swallowed me whole, yet nothing. Just road for miles, the grass was green around me, the air smelled of sunshine, and more importantly I wasn't dead. I felt normal, like last night didn't even happen. It was if my powers regained full strength, that's impossible for that to happen.

"How?" I stared at my hands which had regained feeling, I lifted myself from the ground with ease. I looked above me where the stars once were, now were replaced with clouds and blue skies.

"Zoe." My voice was faint; I did ask her for help.

"Impossible." I stared to where the Huntress usually stood, but nothing was there. I didn't want to question what had happened, all I knew was that I was fine and that's all that mattered right now. I grabbed the backpack that laid of the soft grass, and mildly confused. Some part of me wondered who that was, but I needed to keep walking. Eventually I came across a gas station, old and faded looked strait out of the 60's, and barely standing up; yet I could see the open sigh was hard to ignore.

"What if this is just the Rebellion again?" It was a high chance they would attempt again, but that's what I wanted. If they captured me and took me to their base, then I could save William from their evil grasp. Marching forwards I new what I had to do, let myself be captured.

"Hello." I called into the store, no reply.

"Anyone around?" Still not one living soul around.

"Could this place be any less creep?" I thought, I felt like I was the idiot from every horror movie; the one who is getting yelled at by the audience, but was not lesioning. The floor boards mound under my weight, the air was stale.

"Hello!" My voice carried through out the building.

"Be with you in a minuet!" A man shouted from the unknown.

"Sorry about that I was fixing something in the back." He seemed normal, which was strange to me; normal usually meant trouble. I examined him, yet nothing looked concerning: old brown coveralls, baseball cap over sweaty brown hair, and dirt brown eyes with oil smeared around them.

"What can I help you with sir?" He was wiping his hands with a cloth, I needed to think of something.

"Well, my car broke down a few miles ahead, I was wondering if you had a phone so I can call my friends." I was proud of myself, that was one of my best lies.

"Okay." He dug in his pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

"If you want I can drive you back to your car." He held out the phone, I politely took it.

"That's okay, it was on its last limb anyways." I stared at the phone wondering who to call, I didn't think this far ahead. I thought this would have been a trap of some sort, I looked up to see the man was looking at me confused.

"I don't mean to judge, but why are you wearing pajamas?" I had completely forgotten I was wearing them.

"Costume party." I kept looking at the phone, until I thought about calling Camp Half-Blood.

"No." I thought.

"It will just attract more demigods."

"Annabeth, no she would tell Percy, who would tell Jason, who would tell Piper, who would tell Leo, who would tell Frank, who would of course tell Hazel which I didn't want."

"Reyna, she could keep a secret, but would probably tell Hazel who would tell the rest of the seven." I needed to think of someone soon, then the phone began to ring. As if it was a bomb, I handed it back to the man.

"Hello." Conversation didn't last long till he looked at me.

"Is your name Nico?" He looked very bewildered.

"Umm yes, why?" Here comes the trap.

"its for you." He slowly handed me the phone, with a frightened expression on his face.

"Hello?" I was hoping no one was on the other end of the line, but I could not deny the sound of breathing coming from the phone.

"Mr. Di Angelo! I hear you survived the night, that's good we need you. Anyways if you are looking for us search no more! We will come and pick you up and save you the trip." I knew that voice, it was that annoying rebel I fought outside of Camp Half-Blood.

"Is William okay." I sneered, only to hear laughter at the other end.

"Oh don't worry about William, he his doing just fine." He chuckled.

"We will pick you up in an hour, oh and if you tell that mortal anything. We will hurt you precious William." I could feel the lump grow in my throat.

"Fine." I scowled.

"See you in an hour." I hung up.

"Is everything okay kid?" I put on a fake smile and nodded.

"Yes that was my ride." He didn't look convinced, but let it slide.

"Okay, when are they picking you up?"

"In an hour." I could feel the rage bubble inside me, but I needed to remain calm; for now, for William. Just as they said, an hour later a red Mustang pulled up and honked its horn. It wasn't hard to tell that the driver was dead, but he made up for it with his wild grin and waving at me like a maniac.

"Nico! Oh thank gods your okay, I was so worried." I tried to look happy to see him, but I could feel the scowl on my face. I opened the door hesitant to go inside, but I had to. After I was seated he honked the horn a couple of time as we drove off, kicking dirt and snow in the air; then he looked over at me.

"Next stop the home of the Rebellion!" He exclaimed as we drove off in to the unknown.

End of Chapter Five

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