Chapter 7

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*Luke's POV*

I woke you to find Lily still asleep in my lap. I smiled and got up carefully so i wouldn't wake her. Throwing on a shirt off my floor I rushed out to camp to get food. Grabbing an apple off of a plate I rushed to the sword arena to practice my sword fighting. I had to get back into the swing of things. I got winded easier than i used to and wasn't as good with a weapon. Sure no one could beat me still but i still wasn't good as i used to be. Munching the last of the apple i picked out my sword. I could adjust almost immediately to any sword. But i liked mine. It was sliver and had a black leather wrapped hilt with a blue turquoise gem. The Greek word παραφροσύνη was engraved in the metal. It meant Madness. That was the name of the sword. I knew it was meant for someone else but they hadn't claimed it yet so i use it.

Tossing the core of the apple to the side i picked it up and began to practice happily with it. It was the only time everything i ever worried about slipped away. When i felt on top of it all. On top of all my troubles and anger and fear and best of all on top of my pain. With every slash and cut i made with the sharp double blade something seemed to melt away. Every opponent i beat i felt a piece of me rebuild it self slowly back up trying to create the person i once was, the person i wish to be. The pieces never seemed to stay though. They fell back down every time the memory's happened. Like something didn't want me to be whole again.

As i continued to lay waste to the straw filled practice dummy i saw a flash of someones cloths out of the corner of my eye. Out of pure instinct i spun around pinning them to the wall with the blade at their throat. It was my half sister,and the one who brought me back, Savanna.

"Sis don't do that while i'm training you know that" i said relaxing my arms and nudging her shoulder. We had grown close over the year i had been back. We told each other almost everything. From the first time she was in bed with her boyfriend to my deepest regrets(And i had A LOT of them)

"Whats wrong bubba you seem tense and from the amount of straw on the ground you seemed PISSED" she said stressing the last word.

I shrugged."Just debating"

"Wanna talk about it?" she said looking up at me. The sun made her blonde and black hair. It was died of course but it still looked amazing. Her crystal blue green eyes full of adventure and curiosity. I nodded.

"Yeah um actually it'd be nice to talk...same spot same time?" i asked. She smile so widely and had so much life in her eyes. She nodded and ran off to inform her boyfriend, Percy, shed be back late.

*Savanna's POV*

I ran to the cabin excited about having time alone with Luke. Nobody sees him the way i do. No one understand what i see in him including him. I could understand why Luke did it. I was put in a foster home. All ways with out parents all ways alone. So when i heard the tale of someone brave enough to do what he did i got brave. I pulled him out of the underworld. The learning that i was his half sister was even better. It gave me more confidence. More belief in my self. Now all i had to do was wait for midnight.

*3rd person POV*

Luke walked into his cabin that was tucked deep in the woods smiling. His half sister always had the ability to make him smile with a single glance. Lily sat staring into space and just looking at her in all her beauty only brightened his mood. Lily snapped back when the door shut with a loud sound.

"Sorry didn't mean to slam it just wasn't paying attention"he told her still smiling

"Well what were you paying attention to?'' Lily asked quietly. Luke felt his cheeks heat up and knew he was blushing. He ignored her and checked the time. Almost time for dinner. How long did he train? What did Lily do all day? He wondered if she had thought about him like he did her. She giggled quietly.

"What are you laughing at" he looked over to find her looking at a picture. It was from when he had taken Savanna to the New York mall a few weeks before his quest. He smiled remembering that day. It was the best day of his life(well second life but you get the idea). He just couldn't wait for midnight.

"What are you in such a good mood about you're usually all sad and stuffs" Lily asked Luke.

"Oh um just my sister''he said gesturing to the picture she held "She just always seems to make me smile..I'm meting her later tonight in our secret spot so if u wake up and i'm not here don't worry okay"

"Otayz"she said.


Sorry about how short it was...I try to do at least 1000 words. But this was just kinda a filler chapter and we needed a new point of veiw. I have a few ideas about Savanna's past and conecction to Luke...was even think about doing a prequal telling about her life...comment if youd think thatd be cool....and feel free to ask any question about me or the book or characters! id love to hear what you think...also tell any ideas for how this could go....Im open to suggestions!!!!!!

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