Chapter 27

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So this is it. The last chapter of Traitors love. Im excited but im not. There will be a sequal called Becoming The Traitor. I hope that book will be better than this one lol. Ill post on this book when i publish the 1st chapter. 😢😭 The show much go one!

*3rd Person POV*
Luke and Kronus fought. It was difficult considering he was hurting his sisters body. Lily was passed out on the floor just a few feet away. "Shes screaming for you" Kronus said to Luke "She never shuts up 'Luke Luke Help Get him out' all she does is whine"

Luke wasn't sure where Kronus got the sword from but he didn't care. As their blades connected he struggled to hurt his sister."I'm trying sis im trying" he murmered. Kronus only chuckled and sliced Luke in the ribs, leaving a good cut on him. As blood dripped down his torso he saw her eyes flicker back to their noraml beuatiful blue for a moment.

"She doesn't have long Luke, 30 minutes at the most" it was her. Her amazing voice that Luke missed so much. Then it changed again back to Kronus"Better choose fast"

A fire started randomly in the middle of the cave. It began to eat away the space in the cave. There was a circle about 20 feet in diamter for them to fight in. Lily laied uncounsious in her own circle of fire only 10 feet wide. Kronus shoved him back and he stumbled thorugh the flames and smacked into the wall of the cave opposite from the exit. Cracks apperned where he had slamed into the rock. A growl left the back of his throat as he walked back to Kronus.

"Savanna If you can hear me-"he said breathing heavy "-i'm sorry" with that he sliced Kronus across the chest, meaning he harmed his sister. He felt a stinging across his own chest. Looking down in shock trying to understand why he felt the pain to.

"Did i forget?" Kronus chuckled "You two are linked, What ever pain she feels you feel" he laughed and evil dark laugh and Luke slammed the hilt of his sword into the side of Kronus' face,making them both stagger backwords. The titan growled and lunged at Luke. The former traitor doged him and blocked his blade with his own. He kicked the lord of time into the wall. He hit the same spot as Luke had and the cracks only grew and the cave began to shake. Dust particles floated through the air. "25 minutes Castellan, You're not going to let them both die are you?"

A peice of the celing feel down and landed next to Lilys head. Luke growled and took offense this time. He was better at it. As he looked at his twin sister ,all the times he spent with her flashed thorugh his mind. Her smile, her laugh. The way her eyes would sparkle when she talked and the pain he felt when she cried. The joy when she started dating Percy. How at first he thought she was playing a joke on him by likeing him because of his past but then she almost killed a camper for making him depressed about it and he new it was no joke, someone actully loved him for him. She didn't want anything from him but love and acceptance and the occasinal cookie.He remembed the time she told him he was the only one that mattered to her.

*Flash back*
"Luke are you ok with me and Percy dating" she asked the night he asked her out. She had said yes.
"We may not like eachother but if he makes you happy Vanna thats all that matters" he said softly
"OK"she nodded happily "But if at anypoint you want me to leave him, just say so bubba you are the only one i care about i promise it will always be that way"
*End of flash back*

He looked at Lily next and remembered all the times with her. Sure there werent as many but they were just as imporatnt. All the conversations they had and the sex, the one time they had sex. It was great non-the-less. He loved her. He knew that much. But he loved his sister too.

He was taken out of his thoughts by Kronus slicing his blade across his sword arm, making him drop his blade. Luke yelled in pain, gripping his arm. Some how he managed to know kronus' blade out of his hand, grab both his wrist and slam him into the wall again. The fire seemd to even burn the cave walls, disinagrating them. Not enough to a hole in the wall so they could all leave though. Luke wished it were possible. It wasn't. He knew that. The cave room began to crumble in now as the walls crack all the way around and the heat of the fire was unbearable."5 minutes Castellan take your pick"

"Shit" he said. With that he picked up his blade that was near his feet, ignoring the seraing pain from how hot the blade was, he stabbed it through his stomach with so much rage and strength it went though the wall, pinning Kronus where he tood.
He screamed in pain and rage from being beaten yet adain by the same demi-god. He ran to lily an scopped her up.

"L-luke" he heard his sisters voice. He  couldnt look at her. It was her now. Her eyes that beautiful blue once again.Kronus must have left when he stabbed him. "He's gone" blood dripped from her mouth as she said it. She smiled at first and tried to pull the sword from her abbdomen. Then she saw Lily in his arms and her smile fell. Tears formed in her eyes. Luke felt where the sword was in her, the pain from it. But that was nothing compared to the pain in her chest. The heart ach at realizing he wasnt pickingher. He was chosing lily, and leaving her to die. "p-please" she said

"I'm so sorry Savanna" he said and walked out with lily in his arms, leaving his sister to burn. As soon as he exited the roof of the cave fell in completing, crushing her. Any hope of saving his sister was now lost.
All he had left was a memory of her pleading him to pick her. The pain and sorrow in her voice as he walked away. And the feeling of knowing he'd never see her again.

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