Chapter 14

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*Lily's POV*
I woke with a numbness in my arm and my head throbbing. With much effort I peeled my eyes open to the blinding light known as the sun. At first I had no clue where I was. I looked to my left to see Luke sat sprawled out in a chair asleep. His head tilted at a funny angle and one leg thrown over the arm of the chair while the other was tucked under his body to the point it almost looked out of place. One arm was under his head and the other shoved in his pocket.

He wore a brown long sleeve shirt and a pair of faded blue jeans. His blonde hair was an unruly mess. Honestly he never looked better to me. He looked peaceful, calm. Like he wasn't a broken boy full of anger, hatred, and misery. Like he hadn't just lost his sister or refused to talk about his past.

His blue eyes fluttered open before i could take mine off him. He smirked at me and streched in the chair. "Just woke up from a near death experience and you still cant keep your eyes of me huh hot stuff"

I blushed wildly and looked away. "Hey Luke" I said the events that had played out just coming back. "You said something...right before i blacked out what was it?"

He seemed to space out as he shifted in the chair. His brow creased the same way when he was concentrating on something important. "I said i need help find my sister i cant do it alone" he said with a sigh.

Any response I could have had was now caught in my throat. He wanted my help? Why? "Really" Luke nodded slighlty looking at me. "Wait where am I?"

"The lost a lot of blood...why'd you do it Lil?" He asked with out hesitation. I looked down ignoring his question hoping someone would walk up and save me. Keep me from having to tell my crush I almost killed myself because I felt like he didn't want me around and I was just a bother to him. Luke didn't need that kind of stress on him. Just then, as if my prayers had been answered, Percy walked up a water bottle in his hand still looking pale as ever.

"I'm going too" Percy stated

"No Jackson, You're not" Luke stood quckily causing the chair to move back a few feet.

"Yes I am, She's your sister I get it, but she's my girlfriend and I have the right to look for her" Percy fired back holding his rib and leaning on the wall for support. Luke let out a low menacing growl.

"Yea to bad you'll be busy" he growled at the son of the sea god. In the blink of an eye, Luke cocked his fist back and swung at Percy. Catching him off guard, Luke managed the blow to be hard enough to knock Percy out. "That's for failing able to keep him from getting to her like me" he tried to mumble to himself but I heard it.

"Luke it's not your fault she got hurt. She should have told someone if she knew Kronus was back" I said trying to sooth him

"She'd never do that" he said keeping his hands curled into fists.

I looked at him confused "Why's that" He mumbled something that I couldn't make out and hung his head. Then he looked at me his blue eyes brimming with rage and regret.

"Just get cleared to leave. We need to go before Jackson comes to" He finally said and walked off shoving his hands in his pockets to keep from decking anyone else. Just then one of the Apollo kids came over.

"I'm Will...the one who helped Luke heal you" The boy said

"Do you know why Luke is so upset?" I asked.

Will nodded grimly "You missed an important battle for demigods everywhere." he began as he redressed the wound and checked my vitals " The lord titan Kronus, Zeus Hades and Poseidon's father, was angry for his kids overthrowing him. He plotted revenge for millenniums. Finally he found a demigod who hated the gods just as much as he did. He was able to persuade this demigod to help him rise. Help him destroy the gods and all they stood for. The demigod had only one job, be the titans host. Kronus needed a body to reside in due to his form being so badly damaged. For five years the demigod prepped his body soul and mind for the torment that would come from hosting the titan. Only the strongest of the strong can with stand holding the titan lord. Soon the real fighting began. An old prophecy for told of it and the hero who would end the battle and save or destroy the gods. Everyone though it was Percy. It wasn't. It was someone we never expected, to the point some people still don't believe it was him. Luke was, still is if you ask me, the true hero of the prophecy. He defeated Kronus, but in doing so he had to kill him self. That's how he got that scar under his left arm. Kronus blames Luke for not being able to overthrow his children. That's why he went after Savanna. To get back at Luke. He's been through so much. This is the last thing he needs. He blames him self for it all. We have all tried convincing him it wasn't his fault and that he did what he could. He's one of the few that refuses to believe he is the true hero. I can understand why. From his point of view of it all, it must really suck. The gods don't trust him, his father doing what he did. Taking away his sister like that and his memoires of her to add salt to the wound. Then for Hermes try almost everyday to convince Luke he cares about him.I'd hate my self too. "Will shook his head "I'd never take a walk in his shoes. I don't know how he handles it all. Luke Castellan's a broken boy with a crocked smile on his face and a half beating heart in his chest. We are all just kinda waiting for it to give way."

"Once his sister came though" Will continued" We all thought she was insane. She was proud of the fact she was related to him. We could all tell she was hiding something, That being they were full siblings. When she pulled Luke out of hades though, no one was surprised. Most were glad to have him back honestly. A few of the loyalist to the gods that kiss their ass weren't to happy though. Luke seemed happy. Seemed whole again. Now she's gone. The regret is gonna eat away at him. You want to know why she didn't go to anyone? It's because if word got out that Kronus was back, everyone would hound Luke. She was protecting him, and he hates that. He hates it because he thinks he failed to do that for her so long ago. But if Luke truly failed at it, then how come Savanna made it this far in life? He was with her no matter the distance. Its rumored that Savanna had a faint memory of a blonde hair blue eyed boy who was her brother that she determined to find. That memory saved her so many times. So Luke Castellan didn't fail his sister...He saved her"

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