Chapter 19

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*Luke's POV*
An arrow flew by my head almost hitting me. Lily yelped as one pinned her to a tree near by. We had left my moms 2 days ago with no clue on how to find Thalia. We still had no clue.

I looked closer at the arrow and reconized it as an arrow of the huntress' of Artimes. Which ment Thalia had found us. I saw Lilys eyes widen as the group of about 15 teen age girls appered from the trees. A girl about 14 came up to me. Auburn hair down to midback and sliver eyes as big as the moom."Luke Castellan " the goddess adressed me "Ms.Morgan" she said to Lily.

Just as Artmeis went to speak the air became almost suffocating to me. "LUKE?" Thalias voice rang out. She pushed through the girls and came into view. Same ol' Thalia. Black layerd hair and fierce electric blue eyes. Her clothes were silver to match the other huntress'. She had a thick silver wire around her head to mark her high ranking. She stormed (haha its funny because her dads...nevermind) right up to me and smacked me as hard as she could.

"HEY!" Lily shouted at her

"Its ok lil i deserved that one" i told her not wanting Thalia to electrocute her. Lily didnt say anything more but she didnt look happy about it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Thalia asked tears threating to spill but she held them back. "I watched you" she faded out "I watched them carry your corspe away"

"Thals im so so sorry i can explain" I said grapping her hand.

*Lilys POV*
My stomach lurched as Luke grabbed the girls hand. He pleaded for her to allow him to explain. I saw something in his eyes and knew there was romantic tension between the two. Tears pricked my eyes. Just when i began to think he liked me the same way.
"Lily dear...a word" the auburn headed girl said to me. I swolled and nodded. "Follow me" she said as kindly as she could. I did as told.

We soon reached a camp. Tents all in a line each silver in color. We went to the largest and the shinest tent. Inside it didnt look like a tent though. It had a full queen size matress and head bored. Hides of various animals lined the walls and floor. The girl sat on the floor and a sliver antelope came up and layed its head in her lap."Have you figured out who i am yet child?" She asked

"N-no should i have?" I asked still feeling upset.

"That boy is not worth it child, i am Artemis the goddess of the moon and hunt."

"The maiden goddess? You take in young girls before they...mess around with boys...and they stay young forever" i said.

Artemis smiled"Yes child thats why i wish to speak to you" she pulled a hangout out of thin air"It would be an honor if Dionysus' only daughter joined my hunt. As you have seen that boy is nothing but trouble. You arent even togther and he has made you hurt your self before" she emphasized boy as if it were a curse. How did she know about me cutting my self?
"My dear child you will be immortal unless injuried in battel. You will swear off boys for all of you immortal life and remain a virgin. However your sense shall be hightened and your aim with a bow and you will be a sister to all the other huntress' and we will protect you at all costs. Are you in Lily?"

"Uh..." i stammered lightly.

"Think about it child. Take your time let me know. " she said handing me the handout. I nodded and walked out of her tent.

Sighing i ran a hand through my hair and went to find Luke. I heard him talking with that girl. My heart dropped again. They were hugging. Luke sat on a tree stump with his legs parted, his brown shirt had ripped at somepoint and his blond hair looked dirty blonde from the dirt. His blue eyes trimmed red indicated he had been crying. He look perfect. Minus the goth silver clad huntress' that was wrapped around him like a little kid who jump roped for the first time ever and got tangled in her rope.

I ran back to Artemis' with tears in my eyes and pain in my heart. "I'll do...but only after i help Luke find his sister. I promised i would"

"You have made the right choice child" she told me and i walked back out wondering what i had just done. And how the hell i was gonna tell Luke.

Omg im sorry. Idk why it didn't publish all of it. Ik its been forever since ive updated. Ive been having some issues with my depression acting up and its given me terrible writers block. Please forgive me.

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