Chapter 8

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*3rd person POV*

Midnight came all to slow for Luke.Finally thought it did. He dashed out the cabin to the beach. Through the woods down on the sand he saw her. Blond and black hair sitting in her usual black ripped skinny jeans and black tank top with her hair straitened and looking perfect. Her dark crimson lipstick staining her lips and black smoky eye shadow kissing her skin sweetly. The perfect amount of blush sat on her cheeks and her blue green eyes shining bright. Luke saw all these things as he came into view. He had no idea why but his half sister Savanna always reminded him of a darker spookier version of his mother when she was fourteen. Course he had only seen pictures but they both had the same sparkle in their eyes. He got to his sister and smiled wide. It quickle changed though when Luke's head began to spin.

"Not again" he manged before fainting on the sand swept away to his past.


Young Luke was shoving cloths in a back pack. Some food here and there and a few weapons. He was nine years old. He was running away. His mother banging on the door pleading Luke to not go down that path...what ever that meant. She screamed about her baby's fate and how horrible it was.

"I'm going to bed mother"Luke called innocently. Pushing open the window he plopped out on the ground and ran. He got to the woods and went to look back. He didn't...He couldn't...He knew that if he did then he'd see his mom. With her blue green eyes no longer shining, heart broken that she had driven her son to run away. So he kept going. And he'd never come back.Only once he would come home and he would regret it for the rest of his life.


"Luke Luke wake up"Savanna said shaking his head gently. She looked to be on the verge of tears. "Please wake up"

"Savanna whats wrong what happned?'' Luke asked getting on his knees from his laying position.

"You just fell i...i figured it was just another memory but it was taking for ever..I panicked" she said looking down

"Its okay Sis'a I'm fine i promise" Luke said. She nodded and sat down next to him

"So what did you wanna talk about?" she asked him sweetly

"UH'' he said rubbing the back of his neck and blushing fearcily"I...I like someone" he manged stumbling over his words.

"OMG who tell me tell me tell me!!!!" she giggled forgetting about the earlier situation.

"I will I will" he laughed at her excitement "Lily"

"OMG i called it!" she said

"Wait what"he laughed nervously

"Nothing bubba I just knew you'd fall for her"

"How?'' he said. What was she hiding?

"Never-" she gasped loudly "LILY" she got up and ran towards Luke's cabin.

*Savanna's POV*

We ran fast. Luke could barely even keep up with me. How did i forget about that? I burst in the cabin to find him. He stood over Lily smirking.

"Your late Savanna" 'Percy' said. Luke came in breathing heavy

"You said you'd leave them alone!" I yelled.

"I lied" he said and thrust his hand into the air. Every electronic Luke had went haywire. Sparks shot everywhere. Lily layed in the middle of it all. Luke could tell what was about to happen. He dragged me out before the fire could start. He ran back towards the cabin as it burst into flames. He got an angry look as he realized the flames were purple.

"This wasn't supposed to happen..H-He promised"I whispered at i watched Luke charge into the flames to get Lily.

*Luke's POV*

I ran into the flames to get lily. Flames licked the wall. I knew immediately who had caused it by the color of the fire. Purple. Kronus. Gods i'm gonna kill him....again.Picking her up just before i board could fall on her i ran out of the burning building with her laying unconscious in my arms. Savanna was crying in Percy's arms. I put her down and ran to them.

"Jackson what happened?" i demanded.He just gave me the 'I'll explain later' Look.

"This wasn't supposed to happen"Savanna said with same look in her eyes that my mother would get during one of her "moments" I backed away slowly. This couldn't happen. Not to her Not here Not now. She began thrashing wildly in his arms. He tried to calm her. I stumbled over myself. My mothers voice came to my head.

'NO my daughter this cant happen to her i just got over this'

Wait what?

*3rd person POV*

Lily was taken to the infirmary and Savanna had stopped thrashing and was now asleep tucked into Percy's bed in his cabin. Luke sat watching Savanna sleep. His mothers voice still ringing in his head.

"Luke we need to talk" Percy said looking like he was going to vomit.

"What is it dude you look like your being ripped inside out by a fucking scorpion"Luke told him

"Something happened while you were gone...Savanna got more than claimed"he said as his face paled even more. Like he was holding something back inside him"Savanna also got a prophecy"

"What did it say" Luke growled

"I...I cant remember but Luke...''

"Percy stop" Savanna said

"No Savanna he can help" Percy told her paling even more.

"Luke let me and him talk alone" she said stressing the last word as usual.

Luke left due to not being able to say no to her. He wasn't sure on what would happen but then again he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

Percy dropped to his knees and gasped."Savanna Please g-go"

"NO No Percy i'm not leaving you''she cried.

''You ha-''Percys voice faded and a deeper voice took over "Too late little Castellan...Luke will pay for failing me and i will start with his beloved twin sister"Kronus switched from Percy's body to Savanna's. Percy fell unconscious and Savanna fought for control.

Crying she said "I'm sorry Luke..." and disappeared in a flash of purple light.

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