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An-ik i said that 27 would the be the last but i needed closure too so shut up and read😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

*3rd person POV*
Luke woke in cold sweats from his dream. He could practolly still hear his sisters voice. It had been a year since she died. Yet he still had nightmares everynight about it.

Slowly he climbed out of bed careful not to wake Lily. He walked down the hall past pictures of his and Lilys wedding. They had gotten married September 6 2017. Nethier of them wanted a honeymoon. It was October now.

He walked to the couch in the living room of the house they bought together as a wedding gift to themselves. A plate of Savannas favorite cookies sat on the coffee table, just incase she walked though the door one night. He made a new batch every week for her. Simply putting the old ones in a plastic tub in the garage. Hermes had stopped by once and told Luke he was acting like his mother had when they ran away, slowly going insane. He only pointed out that their mother,May Castellan, was insane from the start and asked the god to leave.He had no motivatin to even think of hitting the god anymore.

He sat on the couch looking at the blank tv screen. Listening to the silence. He remebered her begging to pick her,help her. He began to cry. Anger soon took over and he lost it. He had gone a month with out breaking down. Another streak gone.

He picked up the plate of cookies and threw it against the wall,shattering it. Vases and pictures following it. Lily came pounding down the stairs as he went to punch the Tv.

"Luke!" She said "stop....stop it" she grabbed his arm and he froze. He turned to look at his wife. Her stomach only slightly starting to show. She was 6 weeks pregnate.

He took a deep breath. Then another. A few more and he was calm. They sat down on the couch as he began to shake.
"Was it the same or diffrent dream this time?"

"The same as always,with her trying to kill me amd everything" he ran a hand threw his blonde hair "she hated me....i wouldn't blame her"

"Luke sweetie she doesnt hate you" Lily pursed her lips"you need to get over this...its been a year and 2 months. Maybe you should go see someone"

"I dont know lil...i will never just 'move on" or 'get over it' i miss her so bad..." he sighed not knowing what to say"...i just wish she didnt have to die"

Little did he know she survived.

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