Chapter 20

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*Luke's POV*
I stared in disbelife at the arrow that was so close to being embedded in my skull. Looking back and forth between it and Zues' daughter. She looked about sixteen and still as scary as ever. If there were ever a person to scare away my pride, it was Thalia.

I learned a long time ago if she wanted to do something, you go along with it or get left behind. I could see her though the crowed of girls. She looked at me the same as i looked at her, pure disbelief.

A girl about 14 came up to me. Auburn hair down to midback and sliver eyes as big as the moom."Luke Castellan " the goddess adressed me "Ms.Morgan" she said to Lily.

I reconized her immedieatly. Artimes, the goddess of, well i really dont care but im sure you already know who she is. Just before i was about to say something the air became suffocating. "LUKE" Thalia yelled finally deciding I'm really there.She pushed through the girls and came into view. Same ol' Thalia. Black layerd hair and fierce electric blue eyes. Her clothes were silver to match the other huntress'. She had a thick silver wire around her head to mark her high ranking. She stormed (haha its funny because her dads...nevermind) right up to me and smacked me as hard as she could.

"HEY!" Lily shouted at her

"Its ok lil i deserved that one" i told her not wanting Thalia to electrocute her. Lily didnt say anything more but she didnt look happy about it.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Thalia asked tears threating to spill but she held them back. "I watched you" she faded out "I watched them carry your corspe away"

"Thals im so so sorry i can explain" I said grapping her hand. The goddess lead Lily off but i didn't pay attention. Thalia closed her eyes and took a breath, composing her self.
"Girls go back to camp"

There were shouts of protest but a large thunder clap made the girls scramble back in the direction they came."You better have a good gods dam excuse for this" she said grasping my hand back. I gave her a small smile and she smiled back.

We began to walk through the woods as i explained everything. "I found her. Well she found me but same diffrence" i sighed

"Found who?" Thalia asked confused.

"Savanna" i said as she stopped dead in her tracks. She looked at me for a moment knowing id never even say her name unless it was true.

"How? When? Why? What?" Thalia said confused. She cared about Savanna almost as much as i did.

"Its a very long story" i said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Ive got time" Thalia said looking up at me. She was only 5'5, compared to me being 6'2, she was short.

"She got back her memory's of who she is after Hermes took her from me when she was 12. She brought me back from the dead when she was 13 and scared the shit out the gods in doing so. We have been at camp since and now shes 14 but something happened. Kronus came back and i guess somehow inhabited Percy,who shes dating by the way, and used him to get to her. She took him in to her body to help Percy and keep him away from me. Now i need to find her before he ends up killing her. The oracle said you would know where to find her Thals." i said crying by the end.

"Me? Why would i know?" She said "im just now finding out your alive"

" 'The one you haven't seen in years
Shall be the only one to save you from tears
For to find the one you seek
Take a look in the past of all things Greek
The one that watched you die over and over in her mind
Must now watch you breathe in order for your heart to bind
Make amends
A hand she lends
Your baby sister to save
From Kronus' monstrous rave'
Thats what the oracle said" i told her shaking my head

"What about your mom?" Thalia asked as the came to the edge of the huntress' camp

"Went there only thing she knew was i like Lily....SHIT you didnt hear that" i said pointing at her.

Thalia squealed" I KNEW IT" she said and smirked."So you gonna ask her out?"

"After i find my sister yeah" i nodded.

"What does she look like so if i see her i can tell u" she asked as i sat on a stump my legs parted and her standing between them. I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of my sister.

"Wait. I think we did see her. In a cave in Florida, there was broken glass everywhere but she had black and purple hair." Thalia said

"Florida?"  i said looking at her confused. She nodded and i smiled and pulled her for a hug. "Thank you Thals"

"Anytime Luke" She said. Just then Lily came up to us. Her smile looked forced and like she was about to cry. Thalia looked at Lily and asked "Whats wrong with you?"

"Hm?" Lily looked as if she had just come out of a daze "Oh nothing im just thinking" she said shyly. I forgot she was shy.

"Well go on lover boy fix her" Thalia said looking at me. I shoved her roughly and she laughed at me. Lily stood there looking confused. 

"Fuck off Grace" i mumbled knowing she hated her last name. A streak of lightning cam down and landed beside me. Yelping, i stepped forwards to try and grab her but she was quicker than she used to be. 

Dashing away from me she called out"I would but Artimes would be mad if i did so your SOL" 

"I hated that when we were kids and i hate it now" i said to Lily as we watched Thalias form retreating to her tent. "So what did the red headed heffer bitch goddess want?" 

"What?" she looked at me shocked

"Old inside joke, im not gonna explain it right now, what did she want to talk to you about?" i asked as we started to walk away from the huntress'.

"Oh ok...nothing much really just asked how you were back and stuff" she shrugged "And her hairs not red" she said trying to change the subject.

"1 dont change the subject. B gods and goddess' can have what ever appearance they want. 3 she usually has red hair on Olympus." i told her

"1 B 3?" she asked confused

"Im creative" i shrugged pushing my hands in my pockets. She laughed lightly at me. I coulnd't wait to find my sister. After i did, i could focus on making Lily mine. The way her hair tumbled down her back, or the small giggles and snickers she lets out when i do something dumb(Which is always).The sparkle in her eyes and the blush on her cheeks. Her smile, how it lights up the rest of her face. Every part of her.I wanted to be able to call it mine. Guess thats what i get for being a hopeless romantic.

"So did you find out where she was?" Lily asked dragging me from my thoughts.

"Yep" i said popping the p "Florida" 

"Florida?" she sighed tiredly. "We need a car. That would help so much right now" 

I smirked at her. "Leave that to me. I,however, want a shower so lets find a truck-stop or somewhere with a shower and ill get us a car."

Lily smiled at me"Off to Florida we go then" 


UPDATES YAY! So ik its been a while and my last one kinda sucked but this one is still boring but not AS bad right? Its even about a thousand words!!!!!!!! i hate chapters under 800 words so mine will never be under that. 805 at minimal. Any way, comment any questions u may have, what you like and dont like, or what you think is going to happen. See you soon my lovely outcasts.


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