Chapter 25

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A/N: i have entered this story and another one of storys into #Wattys2017 and im uber nervous about bc i wanna win and my books suck so im probs not gonna win. Anyhooo enjoy the next chapter.

*3rd person POV*

Lily was freezing by the time Luke got back. He shook her roughly to wake her up.

On the ride back he had time to think. They left camp to find his sister, yet here they were dam near a week later and still he didnt have her. True he had Lily now but that wasnt enough for him. He missed his sister.

Gods shed be ecstatic when she hears of the event that occurred between her identical twin & the child of the god of wine. Her blue eyes would light up and shed smack his shoulder a tad harder then playfully begging for details. Shed throw her hair up in a bun while he explained. Her makeup would be faded and lips still stained from that dark lipstick. In all honesty Luke was a little upset when he found out the were siblings. She was so beautiful. Graceful yet dangerous. She gave Aphrodite a run for her money.

He missed her something terrible. It was August now. August 13. That left 11 days until her birthday. He vowed to find her by then. He would. He had to.

Lily finally woke. "Whats going on?" She said rubbing the sleep from her eyes "why is it so cold?"

"Come on we gotta go" he said gathering the few bags they had. "Hermes happened come on"

Lily stretched and smiled and Luke. The girl slid out of the gross bed and turned off the A/C. She had no idea why it was on high, much less on in the first place. She watched as Luke threw the bags on his shoulder and  opened the door. "Luke slow down...whats going on?" 

He sighed "Hermes was the usual ass he always is and got the cops on us to us from finding my sister and right now that's all i want is to find her. I don't give a dam about anything else right now  but finding her dam it. Now get in the fucking car and shut up" he snapped at her and pushed out the door leaving Lily to wonder what she did to get snapped. She shyly walked out the door behind him. 

They didn't bother checking out. The manager would be able to get into the room somehow. She was confused when Luke got  into a different car. It was old and not as nice as the Impala. She didn't ask any questions seeing as her anxiety had kicked in. She simply got in to the passenger seat as the son of Hermes threw the bags in the back seat. The car started and they were off once again to Florida to find Savanna Castellan.

~~~~Le time skip bc idek rn~~~~

They had gotten to South Carolina. At the moment they were about 60 miles from the state line and pulled over on the side of the road so Luke could sleep. He ,once again, was plauged with dreams. Or rather nightmares.

"Hello son" Hermes said smiling small. Luke spun around and let his fist collide with his fathers face. The god fell to the ground and held his jaw as he stood up. "I deserve that one" he said

"Start explaining why you put the fucking cops in me or ill fucking castrate you" Luke growled at the man.

"Because im worried about you" he said

"Worried?" Luke cried and shoved the god back "You are the stupidest, most insensitive idiotic thing ever. You TOOK her from me, left me and mom knowing she wasn't fit to raise me only to come back and get her pregante again and leave again! Then knowing she was my everything you took her from me to!" Luke was crying by the end of his rant.

Hermes looked like he was about to cry"Theres something you must understand Luke" he paued to regain his balance and clear his throat "You will find Savanna but you will only be able to leave that cave with the same amount of people that walks in"

"What are you talking about"The former traitor of Olympus said.

"The cave is enchanted. If two people walk in the only two can walk out.No more less. Kronus created the spell.He casted it after he entered using your sisters body."

Relaization hit Luke like a thousand pound semi full  of concret and metal chunks"He never intended to kill me" 

Hermes shook his head grimly. "There was a prophecy long ago before i met May. It said there would be a set of twins. One would plot the down fall of Olympus, and fail. The other would ethier finish the job or save us for the final time. Once you were born and Apollo learned of your fate your sister was already conceived. We knew you two were the ones in the prophecy. We knew Savanna wouldn't be able to save us on her own so all 12 of us blessed her. She has a blessing from each god, even Hades."

Luke felt dizzy. He would only be able to save one. How could he pick?"Lily is your soulmate as well"

How the hell was he supoosed to do this. Pick between his sister and his soul mate. 

Well shit.

*end of dream*

SO. This is it. The book is coming to an end. Based of who Luke pickes there will be a sequal. Theres only a few chapters left and i want to know who you think hes going to pick. Who you want him to pick so comment below! Also let me know if u want a list of the blessings Savanna has from the gods.



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