Chapter 10

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*3rd person POV*
"MOM im home" six year old Luke yelled placing his backpack on the hook.

"Luke sweetheart can you come in the kitchen just for a moment " the kind voice of Lukes mother, May Castellan echoed through the hall. Though she sounded worried. He walked in and his mother was holding her stomach like something was wrong. Though the look on her face said other wise. She looked happy kinda...there was a hint of confusion. Luke looked up at his mother in relief. Happy to find she had her blue eyes and they werent glowing green. That she wasnt having one of her 'fits'. Thats what Luke had called them. May took a deep breath. She didnt know how her son would react to this."You know your father correct"

"What about him?" Luke asked narrowing his eyes. Luke knew of his father yes but knew him personally? No not personally. In fact Luke swore if he ever met him he'd hold nothing back. Hermes, The god of messangers, travelers and theives. There was more but those were the commen things. He was know as the jack of all trades. More like King of dead beats to Luke. He hated Hermes. With a green and blue firey orange studded purple slimy black gooey passion.

"Well he came a few weeks ago to see me while you were at school. And well" She took another deep breath"Im pregnant and its his" Lukes eyes widened and he backed away from his mother. "It's a girl" Luke smiled.

Walking to his mother he couldnt help it" Im gonna have a sister" he whispered "Im gonna be a big brother"He said louder hugging his mother. Right then and there he swore to never let harm come to his sister or ever let Hermes destory her heart as much as he did to Lukes.
*End of Vision*

"Twins?" Lukes voice was soft. Hermes only nodded. Lily stayed silent. "Did she know...Savanna did she know we were full sibling's? "He questioned

"She had her suspensions " the god sighed. "Now you two should get to camp.,.Chiron will be upset if you miss another camp fire " and just like that he was gone. Just like when Luke was a kid. Only a minute to talk before he had to go. Before he left causing Luke to wonder if he had gone mad. Left him staring at thin air. Left him coming up with things he could of said, SHOULD have said. Things he should have done diffrent. Just like the day he proved to May Castellan he was a dead beat father. Just like the night he completely ruinned it all.

*flash back *
1:23 pm. August 24, 2002.
Luke paced the hospital room. His mother behind him about to deliver his baby sister. The only think luke would have took keep him living. Only one thing botheted him as of now. Where was Hermes?
"Slow down Luke your going to make a hole in the floor " his mother manged.

"Said hed be here he promised" luke shook his head tugging nervously his bottom lip with his thumb and index finger.

"Hes a god sweety cut him some.....slack" she tried desperately to calm him. She could see the rage buliding in her son. Luke only sighed. Then the doctor ran in and began the delivery. Just then in that moment he swore if Hermes was not there to hold her when she first entered the world ,he would never be allowed to .
*end if flash back*

Memorys ran through Lukes mind. He felt like doing one of two things, crying or going on a killing spree. Maybe both. Not at the same time ofcourse. That would just be crazy...right?

"You okay?" Lily askes.

'No im not okay i want to ripe his stupid head off and not the one people can see but hey hed have to have one there for that. I want to rip his eyes out of his head and shove them down his throat and cut out his intestines and strangel him with them until he pukes his eyes back up and make him find them while i drench him in flammible liquid and push him into a valcano' he thought about saying that but instead went with a shrug of his shoulders and said "fine"

* Luke's POV *
Not only did i have flashbacks of my time with Kronus now he had that of my failure to protect my sister. They started with from the first time that i had learned of her to the last time i saw her. Now i understood it all. Where she was why she left. Why the entire time know as my life was spent with me ploting the downfall of the gods. Me feeling,knowing, they had taken something from me. Something important. It was all my fault. Kronus has her. Hes in her. If i hadnt fail him and died then the stupid titan wouldnt be on his stupid temper tantrum and i would still have my sister.

I didn't even notice we had sat down until Chiron spoke to me.
"So your out of bed my boy" he said clamping his hand on my shoulder "Percy woke a while ago...wanted to speak with you but we did not think it was good for him"

"To be moving around?" Lily asked.

"No to be around Luke...with Savanna disappearing it was a blessing the camp was not in flames not that i do not trust you Luke but your temper can out way your logic sometimes" Chiron said

"I dont have logic" i said blantedly. Lily giggled and i half smiled. It was cute. Cute enough for me to stop being upset for a second. I went back to relizing how gorgeous she was. Long aburn hair and her eyes shimmering in the fire light. Just like Savanna's.
There it is. The rage i've come to depend on. I snapped out of it to notice her glowing faintly. Purple. The image of grapes glowed faintly over head.
"Oh come on anyone but him" i murmured. Great i was in love with the daughter of Dionysus.

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