Chapter 22

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*Lily's POV*
When Luke woke me up i was surprised at a few things. One, he had new clothes on. Two, he had two take out bags and three, he claimed to have gotten a car, as he put all the stuff by the door."I didn't know what size you where so i'm gonna take you once we reach North Carolina to get cloths, if you don't mind waiting that long" He sound disappointed in himself for some reason.

"Yeah that's fine" i yawned still rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. He nodded yet kept the hard look in his eyes. Picking up the last bag he threw it over his shoulder and told me to follow him. Not wanting to worsen his mood i obeyed, despite the uneasy feeling i had.

I watched him walk to a car and open the trunk shoving the few bags we had inside. The car was a shinny black color on the out side and had leather seats inside. It was a very nice car. One i don't think Luke bought."Luke" i said slowly "Where did you get this" I
said as i sat in the passenger seat. He climbed into the driver seat . "Wheres the key?" i asked

"Well long story short i don't HAVE a key...much less need one" he smirked at me

"Luke what did you do?" i said staring at him.

"Lesson 1 if you want to hang out with me or my sister, Never trust a Castellan" he said as he tapped the ignition and the car started. I stared at him, my eyes wide. "Child of Hermes, God of thieves and a deadbeat dad" he said

"Did you steal this car?" the word steal slid off my tongue like poison. I was a good child. Never made under a B in my life and never EVER got in trouble, and certainly did not steal. Then i met Luke. I ran away from an idea he gave me, went the same  camp for kids who are half the spawn of a god he did and now was helping him in a dangerous life or death mission for some....mythical being.

"Relax i'll give it some point"he shrugged it off like it was nothing. He looked over at me and realized i was mad"Oh come on lil don't be mad at me" he slid his hand over my jaw and flashed me a smile. Those bright blue eyes of his brimmed with mischief and excitement. They hadn't been that full of life anytime i looked at him. The white tooth smile he gave me made me melt inside. His blonde messy hair made me want to screw him in the back seat.

'Shit' i thought 'Wait since when do i cuss? Oh what the hell did this boy do to me?'

"OH alright...Where did you get the money?" He just grinned like a maniac. "God im going to die before this is over aren't i?"

"Nah you'll be good" he said "So we are in Boston now. What we are hopefully gonna do is go down the coast and get to Florida that way." he informed me.

"Hopefully?" i questioned "What does that mean"

"We are two demigods in a stolen car with stolen cash and im kinda on ever gods and monsters hit list" he said giving me a look.

"Makes senses i suppose" I murmured and looked out the window. I watched as the city scenery rolled by. The tall buildings and shops reaching for the sky. The sun set was blocked out by the buildings, but it was still beautiful. The busy feeling it gave off was so different from Camp Half-blood.  I wasn't sure which feeling i missed more. 

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the radio being turned on. Thunderstruck by AC/DC blared through the speakers. Who the hell had a classic car and listened to 80's rock? Must have been some old rich guy. Luke fumbled with the dial on the radio and found a more modern music station. Ke$ha played loudly and Luke was...Luke. 

He was so goofy. A retard at that. Always doing something stupid just to make me smile. Dancing along to the music as if he were in a club. Reaching over every now and again tickling my sides and lip singing to the song lyrics. Being all around stupid. 

How it made his eyes sparkle though. Excitement brimming in the sapphire blue orbs he was so lucky to get for eyes mixed with something else, something i couldn't pin point.His white tooth grin broke out again and i melted once more. My heart thundered to the beat of the music as his hand grabbed mine. For a moment everything  was perfect as i sat holding hands with Luke. He pulled my hand up and kissed it gently. It felt as if we were a couple on a road trip. Luke and i dancing and laughing in the car. Just having fun. 

Then i remembered my promise to Artemis. My promise to be a virgin forever. The smile slid off my face and i pulled my hand from his. He looked at me and slid his hand back in his."Hey whats wrong? Where'd that beautiful smile go?" he said. I had to bite my bottom lip to keep from smiling again.

"I...I was gonna wait to tell you because you'd be mad at me and i dont want it to distract you from finding Savanna" I mumbled trying to tug my hand from Luke's. He tightened his grip and looked at me sternly.

"Lily tell me now" his voice held a dark tone. I felt something i hadn't in a while. Depression. I was such a different person from when me and him first met. I just looked away from him. He jerked the wheel to the right, pulling us off the road and causing me to scream. The car came to a stop and he turned to me. "Explain" he said darkly"Now"

"When the goddess pulled me away to talk, it was to ask me something" i sighed giving in. "She asked if i wanted to join her, I said yes, after i help you find Savanna"

"You what?" he yelled,legit yelled. He got out of the car slamming the door and walked to a tree that was near by. Violently he began to hit it. Bark broke off and his hand bled. I jumped out og the car and ran to him. 

"Luke stop your gonna hurt your self" There was a loud cracking sound as i said that. Sap poured out of crack in three where he had punched it. He didnt stop. "Luke  if Savanna were here you'd stop! Whats she going to say when she sees your hand"

He stopped and rested his forehead against the tree trunk "Did you take it"

"Take what?" i said as i picked up his hand to exterminate it.

"The oath dam it!" he yelled and pulled away from me. Anger and hurt was evident in his eyes. I shook my head no. Next thing i knew his lips were on mine. His arms were wrapped around my waist as he picked me up and pinned me to the tree, sap sticking to my shirt. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed back. My arms around his neck and his under my ass to support me against the tree.His body pressed against me and mine against him. I could feel his manhood through his pants harden as my hips grinned against him on accident. He let out a deep growl and deepened the kiss. "Good then there is still time for me to make it impossible for you to take it" 


Ok so im doing to do a cover contest. If anyone wants to submit a cover from this book i would LOVE that. I want to change it up some. Message me and ill tell you what it must include. If no one does then ill make one my self but id love to see what you all see this book as.


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