Part 26

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Johnny Ghost loved the stars. Staring at the stars at night was one of his favorite things to do. Johnny Ghost also loved the internet. He would go on Skype on some nights, bring his laptop outside, and watch the stars with his boyfriend, Johnny Toast. Ghost would talk to Toast whenever he got off school. Toast was living in the United Kingdom with his grandmother, so he would only have a little bit of time to talk to the love of his life. Toast would always let Ghost call first, since they were in different timezones and he didn't want to call his boyfriend at the wrong time. The two were very close, despite being so far apart.

It was a warm night in June. Ghost was laying in the grass with his laptop. He had his laptop laying next to him so Toast could see the beautiful night sky with him. "I think I saw a shooting star!" Ghost said with excitement. "Did you make a wish?" Toast asked. Toast was laying in his bed, staring at his screen and admiring the night in America. "Yeah, did you?" Ghost asked. "No, I guess I didn't catch it on time." Toast chuckled. "What did you wish for?" Toast asked. "I wished that you could be here with me." Ghost said, not tearing his gaze from the night. "What do you mean, love?" Toast asked.

"I wish that you were laying here next to me. I haven't seen you in person in years Johnny." Ghost explained. He let out a sad chuckle. "Sometimes I started to hate the stars because I knew that you couldn't look at them with me while I cuddled with you and told you how much I really love you. The words feel empty whenever I tell you over Skype. It'd like they don't go all the way through..." Ghost trailed off. Toast let Ghost's words sink in for a moment. "Love, I think you should get some sleep." Toast said. "Alright, good night Johnny." Ghost said as he picked his laptop up. "Good night. I love you." Toast said. Ghost smiled. "I love you too." Ghost said before he ended the call.

It was 3 days till Ghost called Toast again. After their last call, Toast knew what he had to do. He borrowed his grandmother's jet and flew to America to visit his boyfriend. Toast was standing in Ghost's yard with his phone out. He messaged Johnny to call him on Skype a few minutes earlier. Toast had a bouquet of flowers in one of his hands and his phone on the other. Ghost called Ghost and looked at the screen. "Hey Johnny!" Ghost said with a kind smile. "Hey love! Come outside!" Toast said. "Umm, okay?" Ghost said. Toast ended the call and heard Ghost's front door open. As Ghost stepped out of his room, he immediately saw Johnny Toast. He ran towards his boyfriend and smiled. "You're not on a screen anymore." Ghost said in disbelief. "I know." Toast giggled, handing Ghost the flowers. Johnny Ghost blushed and pulled his boyfriend into a warm hug. After that, the two layed on the ground, snuggling and looking at the stars together.

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