Part 38

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(Young Ghost and Toast for Valentine's Day. Ghost is 5 and Toast is 6. Also, it's Friday. It's not Valentine's Day in the story, but I did want to write something for today)

Johnny Ghost shuffled through the school hallways, trying to get outside for recess while he reached his small arm through the crowd of other kids trying to get out to hold his best friend's hand. The two Johnnys have been friends since the first day of school, and they've been practically inseparable since then. The two were never seen without each other, and even both boy's parents had to admit that it was a little strange for their kids to get along so well. Whatever the reason they stayed together for, was a good reason, according to Ghost's mom. Because of the two rarely ever being apart, a rumor started that if you separate them for too long, something terrible would happen, and not even the boys could say if that was wrong.

    The boys eventually made there way outside without disconnecting their hands, and ended up running straight to the swings. Ghost jumped up to a swing and held onto the one next to him for his friend. He looked around at the playground with a small smile, and suddenly saw something extremely upsetting. Johnny Toast was holding hands with another person. A girl.

   'Oh no, he doesn't wanna be friends anymore. He found a replacement for me already.' The brunette thought as he got off the swing. He stormed over to his best friend and the other girl with a look of anger and sadness on his face. If Toast is making friends with another kid behind his back, then he has the right to meet this other kid! He walked over and started listening in on their conversation. "S-So you're the new girl?" Toast asked shyly, trying and failing to pull his hand away from the girl. "Yes. My name's Amiee!" She giggled, squeezing the British child's hand. She smiled widely and looked up at Toast. "I have I good idea! Let's be best friends!" She said in a squeaky voice. Before he could respond, a crying voice called out from behind Toast. "J-Johnny! I-I thought I-I was your best friend!" Ghost cried, shaking hard while he did so.

  Toast turned his back to Amiee and wiped the tears from Ghost's face. "Johnny, you are! I don't like her! She's weird!" He explained, holding the other boy in a tight embrace. "I-I'm not weird! You're weird! You're weird friend is weird!" Amiee pouted as she roughly shoved Toast onto the ground.

   "T-TOASTY!" Ghost cried, pulling Johnny close and holding him close to his chest. "I'm fine Ghostie, I-I just fell." Toast mumbled against the brunette's chest. "You could have gotten hurt..." Ghost mumbled. Toast frowned and hugged Ghost. "Don't worry Johnny. Everything's fine. We can hang out after school, and you can sleep over if my mom and dad says it's okay." Toast smiles. Ghost grins happily and nods. "You're the best Toast!" He giggled. The school bell rang loudly, calling all the kids inside. Toast and Ghost held hands once again as the wandered back into school.


The night of the big sleepover came very quickly. It was Saturday evening. Toast was sitting on his couch, staring out the window at all the cars passing by. A dark red car pulled over infront of Toast's house, and a young boy ran towards the door. Toast let out an excited gasp and opened the door, running outside to meet the boy on the porch. They hugged each other for a minute, then went into Toast's house. The two sat on the couch and watched TV till it started getting dark. Toast's mother made them both dinner and put on a movie for them to watch.

   "Ah, I love this part!" Ghost said, looking up at the film. Toast smiled a little. "Me too!" The boys were both watching Mulan and talking about their favorite things. Their conversation eventually led to ghost and aliens, which made the boys excited and talk about their alien theories and why birds are evil and are horrible space monsters. "Toasty, when we grow up, we should be like ghost studiers!" Ghost said enthusiastically. "That would be so cool!" Toast laughed.
  It was almost 11 o'clock. Toast was laying with Ghost's back against his chest. He had one arm wrapped around Ghost's waist and the other running through his fluffy brown hair. Soon, the quiet sound of Ghost's snoring filled the room, putting Johnny Toast to sleep as well.

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