Fasting and the fluke

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For those of you who are unaware, the Islamic system demands you to fast for a month in order to promote self control and tolerance (I know, irony.)

The month is of the lunar calendar, and is called Ramadan in English.

I was never a practicing Muslim so I can't say what got into me when I kept all the fasts of Ramadan for the first time in my life. Though the fasts also demand you to pray regularly, I dropped the ball after only five days of that (told ya, not a practicing Muslim.)

One shocking news that came to me during this time was the fact that Aussie's parents wanted her to marry someone else in December who was based in Pakistan.

Their ulterior motive was to "expand connections" and get the guy to move over to Australia. For the first time in my life, I was angry at Aussie's parents, even though I knew about the rest of their doings such as misunderstanding Aussie and grounding her for unfair means and dragging her to Pakistani parties every Sunday (which she despised the most.)

One Amazing incident occurred in the comment section of a post made in Okay? okay! And involves the woman I'd love more than my mother at a certain point in life and right now, we both didn't know we would grow so close:-

*random comments*
Me: Why do people take me to be Naive?
Ashtar: ^Because you act like one!
Don't worry, Ashtar will cross my path in the near future and would be another person to change me.

Now if you're a teenager then it might not be so relatable but when you get the news that some hotshot is getting married to your wife, it's worse than a kick to the nuts (and it hurts even more if the raging hormones of puberty haven't subsided!)

As if that wasn't enough of trouble, my simpleton sister Arya, had fallen for a Hindu colleague of hers named Samarth. And that created chaos in the household, because this Hindu-Muslim divide has been the root cause of so many riots and we were just a simple family, let alone a city. My father, however, took it rationally and said 'we'll see' which was just a nice way of saying 'I am praying that it turns out to be infatuation and you lose this guy for heaven's sake.' My father was and still is a strange man. He wants to be different from the society and yet seek its acceptance.

Azrael, facing his own issues, had written another short story which went by the name: 'Gifted?' It was a good story. Since it was written by Azrael, needless to say, it had a lot of things that screw with an average brain (The time jumps in the story were an excruciating pain.)

On 18th July, however, came Eid. And on top of that 20th July was the day my father married my mother 26 years back. All in all, July was one heck of a ride and I still regret the fact that I couldn't exactly enjoy the Eid and my parents' anniversary because I was too stressed about Aussie's wedding. WHAT A FLUKE!

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