Special Thanks to:

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Well special thanks to our non-living journals above all because it would have been impossible to write this all down considering that 3/4th of my brain is music lyrics and 3/4th of Azrael's brain is 50 shades of Offensive tactics.

We can never forget the love of my beloved Iphone 4, on which I typed all of this story and the phone never gave up once (THREE CHEERS FOR STEVE JOBS!!)

Thanks to Ramadan for giving me an excuse of staying up late at night and using my phone and writing this story.

Thanks to Azrael who agreed to lay all his secrets out. None of them remains and it was really hurtful for that guy to remember the exact conversation and send me screenshots as proofs.

Thanks to Puberty and Insomnia for being such a deadly combo that Jokingly created this chapter for humour and we're at 152 words now and I think I can still go on to fill this one with more bullcrap.

God bless the guy who created Summer Vacations with loads of babies because that's the only way I could even get time to write for this.


I hope you enjoyed.

If you think it's worth it, please allow me to be the whore and share it with others.

And a special thanks to you. Yes, you!

You read this book and are still reading it. That takes guts given that you know that this is narrated by a 16 year old!

If you're in this, then throw the paperback version of this book (whenever It comes out) whenever someone asks for your Résumé like THERE YA GO THAT'S MY STORY LAD!

You have Nitrogen Monoxide Idea about how much cumbersome writing this book was. Azrael and I spent hours with journals and recalling moments and even after that, we're unsure if we missed out on anything. I've spent nights staying awake writing this book in the same room mentioned in Paranormally Paranoid. But if you liked it, it was all worth it.
This journey really was worth it, I gained some great guardians and mates and also, I don't lie anymore. Because I learned that you lie when you're scared and I don't think anything pretty much scares me now. I now celebrate my individuality rather than fixing up with the norms.
I no longer get intimidated by pretty women (I've been around Ashtar, Buttercup, Calypso, Butterfly, etc....What do you think?) And I have gained my own fair share of Superiority complexes.

COMPLETED:- 20th June 2016, Monday, 6:36 AM.
First Editing Draft:- 23rd June 2016, Thursday, 5:16 AM.
Second Editing Draft:- 23rd January 2016, Thursday, 6:37 AM. (yep, did it in a little over than a hour)

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