Failure is the legacy, sire.

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As if August hadn't done enough damage to me, it came for Azrael and Ashtar as well.

So there's this important test called the M-CAT test. I don't know much about it but it seems that a lot depends upon this one piece of paper. In fact, Ashtar and Azrael first met face-to-face while studying in a tuition for the test.

The test was on 30th of August.
Both of them couldn't clear it and I only know Azrael's version as to why this had happened. As for Ashtar, I dare not ask her for I don't want her to remember  anything that aches her.

In Azrael's version, He had to circle the right option with a BALL-PEN, something that would take time as he'd have to shade the correct option harder and harder to get an impression of it on the carbon copy placed underneath his sheet which would be utilised to figure out how many marks he had got as the answers would be released online in a few days. Not so difficult? It was the first time he was using a ball-pen.

In addition to that, Azrael thought that he'd get 30 minutes more than the prescribed time and when the invigilator shouted '10 minutes left!,' Azrael was gunning for a luxurious 40 minute time window. was a disaster. Azrael didn't say anything after the test, he came back home, went into his room and was ready to hang himself. It might seem stupid to the readers but when a BPD-struck person talks about suicide, he's serious. Although I'd joke about this whenever he'd have the Idea, I never forgot that I was treading a thin wire and all that kept me going was faith in Azrael.

My faith would've been shattered, had it not been for Ashtar.

As he decided that he's gonna end his life one way or another, Ashtar called. She, despite the fact that her own test had been screwed, cared more about Azrael. And she talked the man out of it. Those of you who know Azrael know he's a difficult man to argue with, and that isn't criticism, that's praise right there.

But Ashtar managed it and talked him out of his decisions during the worst of his phase: The Bipolar phase

I'd later on get to know this story when Azrael would narrate it to me. Earlier than this, I knew Azrael and Ashtar had  been good friends for a long time and they had prepared for M-CAT together with each other.

But this was the first time I sensed something else in Azrael, a crush maybe?, I brushed it off..

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