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I was added in April 2015.

Azrael had spoken highly of this group and I could see that he wasn't exaggerating.

Also, I must add that I started writing my own Journal on May 10th 2015, which serves as a primary resource to the recalling of all these incidences a year later.

The group was full of people with various views. Jokes and various topics flew around like they were a common thing.

Atheists, theists, Muslims, Hindus, People with names that clearly denoted them to belong to a fandom; the list keeps going on and on.

Now, if you're an extrovert, you know how it is: You enter a place and you want to leave your mark.

In my case, I posted 5 times on the very first day, which prompted Azrael to text me and tell me to 'calm down.'

I should also add here that a girl, senior to me in school, named Alaque, went into a relationship with someone named John. Alaque and I had been become close friends due to some cultural activities in school. John has had a crush on Alaque for a long time, and Alaque had finally agreed to get together with him. They were later added to the group by me. Both of them were to resurface from time to time in my life providinv guidance. While Alaque was a staunch atheist, she was a very caring girl. And John undoubtedly was a man of honour held in high positions by everyone he would meet.

Amongst the group members was a girl named Taurus. She was...somewhat different. I am not going to lie but I did stalk her, and found out that she was from Australia.

On one of her statuses, I merely commented something witty and the next thing I knew was that we were talking on facebook messenger.

We had barely talked for 50 minutes after which she confessed her love for me.

If you're sane, you'd snarl at this.

But trust me, it's a whole different story when it is being said to you.

I had already faced rejection from Samia, so why not go for Taurus instead?

I decided to kick it off.

Azrael, like a shadow, again warned me that what I was doing wasn't plausible.

That Taurus was a girl he wouldn't exactly recommend to me.

But has a man high on 'love' ever reacted rationally? No.

Did I listen to him? No.

I went into a relationship with Taurus, simply because I was desperate, and this would break me in a way that can be understood by me alone.

KLPD: How my Shitzophrenia began.Where stories live. Discover now