Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A burial ceremony was announced for the sake of the dead patrol guard. All the members of the pack were called to attend the ceremony, and they did as told. Many were reminiscing while some were frantically weeping without any fear or shame. I wasn't expecting such a reaction from everyone especially not for an ordinary patrol guard. But then again, he was a member of the pack and a family which I tried to maintain but failed.

They cried non-stop and went on about how good of a man he was. Someone brave and strong enough to leave his family and wife behind for the sake of the pack and his Alpha.

But I never understood what he was doing there, to begin with. I didn't order him to take strolls especially not where his body was found. I clearly remember he came up to me a few weeks ago, stressed due to some unknown personal reasons. I granted him leave for a couple of days for his handle personal problems and to help him clear his mind. However, the current situation contradicted it all.

I roamed around the entire ceremony with a solemn expression as I tried my best to console his parents when something caught my attention. His mate- she was pregnant. Her face was pale as she held her overgrown stomach with her palm and was whispering something to herself. Tears kept rolling down her cheeks as she stood there gazing at the coffin that laid ahead in front of us covered with flowers.

I walked up to her.

"Alpha." She hiccuped, her voice almost inaudible.

"I'm sorry for the loss. I'll make sure you won't face any financial problems due to it." I promised, looking at her. I felt pity.

"I don't...I just." She sighed, rubbing her tear-stained eyes with her hand, "I was happy with our little family. Me, him and our unborn child. Last night he said he'll get back home early to spend some time with me." She whispered, "And our unborn child."

She was pregnant with their first pup and what an unfortunate game fate played, not allowing a single chance for the father to see his firstborn.

"I'm sorry," I whispered slowly, afraid that she would start crying again.

"And now what? Instead of returning home, he went to a place where I can never bring him back." She sobbed.


"Please." She choked, "I don't need money, I just want one favour."

"What is it?" I asked rather softly.

"Punish the one behind his death."

"That I will." I altruistically said, trying my best to comfort her. "But first tell me, did your mate tell you anything about visiting the grounds in the north?"

"Thanks." She mumbled, "And no he didn't. He said he was going to take a stroll out near the borders to make sure that the others were doing their work properly."

I raised an eyebrow. "I don't remember giving him the job of a supervisor."

"He said you sent him to make sure everything went according to your orders."

After that response, I walked away from her and motioned Drake towards my direction, who was standing with Jace a couple of feet away, near the body.

He came up to me, "Yeah, what is it?"

"Make sure she doesn't face any hardships, at least not for the time being," I ordered.

"Yeah, I will." He nodded and announced, "It's time for the burial."


The ceremony came to an end as the coffin was soon buried inside the ground. All returned back to their usual tasks, excluding me.

I had a lot of things going on inside my head. Many questions were bugging me and I needed them to be answered. I didn't know why so many mysteries were building up lately.


The only name that popped inside my mind- who was linked up with everything. The way he carried himself brought danger. He always talked like as if he knew something which he shouldn't, both about me and my pack. Firstly, the way he spoke about Hailey not being my soul mate, that too indirectly, left me in dismay. I didn't know whether it was just a bluff or a word of confidence. Secondly, his claim of visiting the Graveyard of doom. A placed sealed with holy barriers where no werewolf can enter.

Jace wasn't the type to bluff, but I knew it was a big lie, it had to be. I groaned in frustration, running my hand through my hair as I made my way towards the office inside the packhouse.

Can you go and fetch Jace? Tell him to meet me inside my office, no wait, you bring him along. I mind-linked Drake.

What's the matter? He responded.


Okay, Alpha.

It took a couple of minutes for Drake to bring Jace along. He laughed and mumbled something to Drake as they traipsed their way inside.

Jace looked at me and smiled. "Ask."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "How did yo-"

"Dude! Please. Don't ask that shitty question." He groaned and took a seat right across me while Drake stood there near the door.

"Graveyard of doom. What you said about it outside, care to explain?"

He sighed and shook his head, "Not really."

A scowl appeared on my face, "Why?"

"Because-" he paused, "-I don't feel like it." His lips pulled up to form a smirk. "Tell me, James, why are you so curious about it?"

"Curious? Are you kidding? I'm fucking tensed about every single thing that's happening around us lately." I snapped, "First, the prophecies, then the disappearance of some of the pack members and now the death of our patrol guard. He was slaughtered for god's sake!"

Jace stayed silent for a while. His eyes held an emotion which to me was unknown. The look of coldness was not there.

"I didn't know that you were concerned about it as well." He spoke after a few seconds. "I'm amazed."

"I hate to admit this," I gulped in discomfort, "Our personal enmity is ruining my pack."

"-So? What can I do?" He raised an eyebrow.


"-It's your pack after all." He interrupted again. "Nothing for me to think and worry about. I was banished from here after all."

"Can we fucking forget our mutual rivalry and solve the current problem at hand!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking towards the end due to sudden the emphatic utterance.

"Sorry. I think I heard you wrong. Are you James Wellington, admitting your defeat and mistakes?" He mused.

I growled at his attempt of provoking me. "If it's beneficial for my pack then..yes. I'm willing to work with you to solve the uncouth mystery."

"Alright then." He stated loudly, leaning back against his chair. "Ask me what you want to know."

Author's Note:

The next chapter will be up soon.

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