Chapter Forty-Nine

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I sat on James' bed and observed him talk. It has been an hour since he had regained his consciousness and, he already looked like nothing had ever happened to him.

Thanks to his werewolf genes.

His honey-brown orbs glistened with excitement as he talked to his brother and beta. I couldn't help but notice the light crease underneath his eyes as he smiled from ear to ear. He had dark circles underneath, somewhat faded. He looked a few years older than he was but his intoxicating scent that I had first sniffed when I was seventeen years old still remained the same.

James seemed astonished at first after seeing me and, soon jumped up asking if I was alright. My heart pained at his instinctive gestures. The way he put me first, even before himself, made me feel the warmth and love from my mate that I have always craved. For a moment I found myself at peace.

"I'm so sorry for stressing you guys out." James apologises meekly, his cheeks tinted pink.

"Apologise all you want." Drake huffed, "You stressed every single one of us."

James nodded, "Everything happened so quickly, at the blink of an eye, I didn't even know how or why it all happened. The last thing I know is that I saw a bullet approaching Alina and I had to save her." His voice was thick and he somewhat slurred because of the healing herbs, which still seemed a lot soothing to me. At least he was alive and sitting next to me. That's what mattered.

"You could have pulled her aside instead of facing it upfront," Jace stated calmly.

Yeah like as if. I snorted mentally.

James looked at me and smirked. I screeched mentally hoping he didn't hear my words through the mind link.

Technically you can't mind‐link him. My wolf stated blankly.

Oh, I do hear you, sweetheart. I heard James say inside my mind. I gasped.

It is the mate bond. Close your mouth. My brother and Beta are looking at you. He informed.

"Come to think of it where is Hailey?" James asked soon after. His eyes wandered to the closed door. My face fell at his sudden question and I stared at my palms. I knew I was overthinking. It was natural for him to think about Hailey, his mate. Even though I have been by his side throughout his entire state of unconsciousness, it was completely natural for him to miss her. After all, he was mated to her.

"Hails, she locked herself up after you got shot, been sobbing since—" Drake started.

"Wait what?" James growled and jerked up.

My heart paced seeing his suddenly changed behaviour. I kept reminding myself that I had no reason to feel jealous or insecure.

"Rest. We have been keeping her sedated."

"Oh—" James slouched back on the bed, leaning against the headrest of the bed. I saw the pain in his eyes and seeing him feel sad bothered me.

"Does anyone know about my —" James started again after composing himself.

"No." Drake shook his head. "We have not informed anyone that you have woken up, yet. Not even your parents but we will after you are fully rested. It's already two at night."

James hummed and closed his eyes. All of a sudden I felt left out like I didn't belong here. I found myself recalling everything that I had been through over the last few years. I felt accepted in the Red Blood Pack. Neil adored me like his own sister whereas Luke treated me like I was the one for him. Ever since my rejection as James' mate and acceptance as a member of the Red Blood Pack, I had my share of ups and downs. Hell who was I even kidding with? I definitely didn't belong here next to him. He had Hailey.

I could hear the three of them chatting while I tried my level best to keep a normal face. The turmoil that I was going through, I had to keep it to myself.

"You missed out on a lot." I heard Drake say to James. I tried not to zone out and concentrated on their conversation. I could feel it was almost time for me to leave. James had woken up and I had no unfinished business here.

"You know most of our neighbouring packs got burnt down while you were taking your time waking up?"

James and I gasped. "What?" We asked in unison and then looked at each other.

I had no idea what Drake was talking about. I had spent the last fifteen days completely locked away in James' room, sitting next to his bed waiting for him to wake up. Even Drake was keeping me under a rock. He never once mentioned anything about new attacks.

"Yeah. I am sorry, Alina. We didn't inform you since you were already in pain because of your injured mate." Drake murmured, almost as if he did not want James to hear his words.

I was baffled, unaware of what happened around me I asked, "How many packs—"

"I am afraid we have to cut the conversation short." Jace interrupted. "Your third in command just mind-linked me," Jace said looking at Drake. "He said he found an abandoned wolf inside the territory."

"Why would he mind-link you?" James questioned, narrowing his eyes.

"Don't know." Jace rolled his eyes. "Maybe because our big bad Alpha was asleep and I was forced to take charge by our beloved father."

I looked at them, confused. I could sense the tension between James and his brother.

"You rest up. We'll let you know." Drake comforted James. "Also, we are expecting guests tomorrow."

Both the men got up from their seats and walked out the door, leaving James and I alone in the room. James scowled and scrunched his nose, irritated. He looked so adorable when he scowled. A small chuckle escaped my mouth gaining attention from him. He looked at me and raised an eyebrow. A small smile soon appeared on his face.

"I am glad you are alright." James sighed, "For a split second when I saw that bullet approaching I feared I was going to — to lose you." His voice cracked towards the end of his sentence.

I smiled at him. "No, I am glad you are alright."

Author's note:

Let's take a minute to appreciate the sappy ending of this chapter. 😂

The next update will be on Thursday.

Till then—


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