Chapter Fifty-Nine

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I found myself snuggling up to James when I woke up. I mentally cursed myself twice for falling asleep even though I knew I was not supposed to. I definitely didn't expect to wake up next to James either. No matter how hard I tried to avoid him and move on, I always found myself with him in the end. There was no escape from him. He would always be the one to haunt my thoughts and emotions, he was like a plague I couldn't get rid of. I was not entirely comfortable with his decision of mating Hailey but, as he said, she was his love and responsibly after all. Asking him to let her go would be a cheap blow and I knew I would never stoop that low.

I found my morals confusing. I let my mate stick to some other female wolf as 'mates' whereas, being the real mate I got kicked to the side. I was letting him treat me like shit even though I was his real mate. My self-esteem almost felt nonexistent and he always found his way around. I didn't like the way my wolf purred every time he was around me, but I also couldn't even resist the pull from the mate bond.

I had promised him we would figure things out in the future and, I was going to stick to my word. I also knew that if things were to go bad, I would have to be the first one to leave, again. A part of me knew that I was most likely to get kicked out of the equation but I doubted if I was even a part of it, to begin with.

"I should get used to waking up next to you like this," James whispered into my ear.

I rolled on my side and moved away from him. I didn't even realise when and how I fell asleep. Neil was going to be very disappointed. James pulled me close to him and buried his nose into my neck.

"I have a lot to tell you—"

"—Why does it feel like someone is waiting to barge in right now?" I interrupted, trying to get away from him.

James chuckled. "I feel that as well."

He turned his face towards the door. "I'm still waiting for Drake to walk in and kill my erection."


James turned towards me, his cheeks tinted pink. "Drake is my personal boner killer."

"That sounded so wrong." I groaned and buried my face into the pillow.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. "Nothing homo."

I couldn't help but notice his honey brown eyes as he continued randomly talking about topics that made him happy. His brown orbs glistened with excitement as he talked about Drake and how lucky he was to have him as his Beta. James even mentioned the times when Drake had to make potions for him to keep his wolf alive.

I found myself feeling upset at the thought of something bad happening to James. I always wanted him to be safe and sound.

"So that's how he is who he is now," James said. He went on about Drake and how much he meant to him. They reminded me of Luke and Neil. The bond I had seen between Luke and Neil over the last few years left me wondering, how Luke ran off without even telling Neil anything. We desperately wanted Luke to come back to us.

I spaced off at times as James continued with his stories. I never thought of him to be much of a chatterbox. Seeing him talk that much had me feeling overwhelmed. I knew I would have never seen this sight of him if the predicaments in the past had been any different. I didn't even know how to feel about that.

He continued his narration, switching between topics that were not of my interest. Occasionally he would talk about Hailey and how he messed things up. He also talked about his father and how Jace was his most preferred child.

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