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        It was the end of the school day and sadly it was time to go home and put up with all my mothers shit, great. Even my college classes would be better than that. I guess I will go to the mall until about 7. I'm not quite ready to put up with her yet. Even though my dad tried to protect me he just couldn't. When she left the house we would sneak into the basement and use the supplies to heal him. He's gotten bruises and cuts and everything you could possibly imagine. It's always been horrible. I know that normally isn't the case. Normally the mother is the victim, right? No. It's like she is some type of demon. How could one person be I was hoping she might have only done minor damage, but today was different.

        I pulled my long dark brown hair into a ponytail took a deep breath and stepped inside. I got to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and started to watch. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I continued to watch for a while, but it was too quiet and I was concerned. It's like the house is empty. I turned the volume down on the TV and started to walk around the house. I checked everywhere in the living room, kitchen, and dining room so nobody is down here. I quickly looked into the garage to see if my mother's car was there. It wasn't. Okay, maybe I don't need to be worrying so much. I timidly walked up the stairs. I went to check my room and my dad wasn't there. There is two rooms left, which means he has to be in one of them. I checked the guest room. Hmm. I checked the closet, under the bed, inbetween everything, but he wasn't there. That means he is in their room. I walked in and he was on the bed. He heard the noise and jerked up. He looked like he was struggling to speak.

        Then I made out the word he was mouthing. Help. I quickly grabbed him and called an ambulance. I carried him down the stairs and the ambulance was there by the time we had gotten to the lawn. They hauled him inside and told me I could come with. I held his hand the entire way there. I don't know what she did to him, but it's bad. As we got to the hospital they told me that when I got off I needed to go straight to the waiting room. I didn't want to, but I nodded frantically. I swear to God, if she killed him, I will kill her. I kissed his forehead and went to the waiting room. The walk to the waiting room was fast, but the waiting part wasn't. Minutes turned into hours. I constantly stared at the clock waiting for them to come out. They were going to tell me he was okay. They were. They were going to say he is okay and ready to go home. They will. They have too.

        After waiting an eternity, the doctor came out. I had tear stains on my face and I gave him a pleadinging smile. I must have looked like a lost child, which is exactly what I am. A lost child. He looked at me sympathetically like they do in all the movies. No. No. He motioned me over and grabbed my shoulders. He looked like he was tearing up himself. It's almost as if the sight he saw before him made him feel so much pity that he cried.

        "Your father took a fatal hit to the head and is internally bleeding. We can't stop the bloodflow. I am very sorry, but he isn't going to make it. Come with me, he has a few more minutes. You got to him when he was practically dead."  the doctor said with trouble. It looked as if it pained him to say those words."The room is 39. Run." He told me. I nodded with tears streamig down my face as I ran into the room. He looked over at me and slowly held out his arms.

        "Madison." he almost cried as he held me in a hug. "Madison listen to me. I don't want anything to happpen to you, so please, after I am gone, grab your things and run. Run away, as far as you can, because I don't want you to end up like me. Okay?" he whispered hoarsely.

        "Okay daddy. I love you. I love you so much." I choked out from my tears.

        "I love you too honey. Remember what I told you okay. My baby girl. My sweet baby girl. I want you to live a happy life for me. Promise me that, okay."

        "Okay, I will."

        "Goodbye baby girl, I love you..." he said as the heart monitor flatlined. I stopped breathing for a moment and just stopped everything. I stopped crying just for a moment as I grabbed his hand and held it. I looked into his eyes. This is the last time I will see him. The last time I will hold his hand. The last time I can mend his wounds. The last time I can feel him. I put my head on the hand that I was holding and cried. I cried like a little girl. The nurse came in and called his time of death. She pat my back and I sobbed. It never ended. This is the one wound my mother has made that can't be mended. I stood up and placed a rose froma vase on the middle of his chest and put his hands over it. I kissed his forhead for the last time.

        "I love you daddy." I whispered to him. Then I stood tall and wiped off my tears. The doctor looked at me and saw how I was trying to be strong. He fixed his posture and looked at me again.

         His look said respect as he spoke,"Stay strong Madison." I nodded once and kept walking. He shouldn't be worried about me, he should be worried about my mother.

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