Roller Coasters

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I woke up and tip toed over to my closet so I did not wake Ben. I slid on my super sexy tardis robe <le sexy pose> and walked to the TV. I decided that Ben would probably sleep for the next hour of so. I put on Netflix making sure nobody was watching. I don't want anyone judging me. I clicked on Black Butler and began watching. I only started this show a few weeks ago but it was hard to watch because somebody was almost always here. "Yes my lord." I quoted. I don't understand how Sebastian is not arrested for being to hot. Okay I'm obsessing over an anime character. Maybe I lost some sanity. They showed a close up of Sebastian,"Daaaaaaaaaaaaaamnnnnnn" I whispered. "I'm simply one hell of a butler." I quoted again. God I fucking lo-

"Good morning darling" Ben said groggily walking into the living room.

"SHITSHITSHITSHITSHITSHIT" I thought as I scrambled for the remote. He was up earlier than I thought. Even though he was a bit tired he took notice of my scrambling.

"Whatcha doin?" He asked laughing.

"Nothing, really..." I said rather to quickly. He also took notice of this.

"I saw the red screen so I know you were on Netflix."

"Ah but you can't find out what I was watching." I said in return. I know I am new to netflix but there is no way he can check....right?

"Yes I can" he said reaching for the remote. I was faster and when I grabbed it I turned over on it and curled into a ball attempting to shield it. Next thing I knew I was being tickled possibly to death. I dared not lose my grip on this remote so I fought it.

"Fine you win..." He said in defeat. I let my guard down for one second just to look at him and he snatched it. His tallness beat me because no matter how high I jumped I couldn't reach. He giggled at my shortness as he entered Netflix. He looked at the recently watched and saw Black Butler. "OOO this looks interesting!" he said as he put it on. It started in Japanese and he looked confused. "Do you speak Japanese?" He asked me.

"Yes I took it in high school but I also know a few other languages that I taught myself when I was little.." I said.

"OOO like what?" He asked with interest in his eyes.

"Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and French. My dad would teach me some of them but in elementary I was bored and decided to learn a new language and it proved to be fun so I learned more. I'm not fluent in French though, I can't remember some of it."

"AWESOME!" He said with admiration in his eyes. "How about we go to the amusement park for a day huh?" He said happily. I nodded and ran to the shower. I must have taken long because next thing I knew I heard,"Am I allowed to shower your highness?"

"I'll be out in a minute!" I'm said turning off the warm welcoming water. Goodbye my love, wait what the fuck? I stepped into the room and put on my black shorts, blue vans, and v neck Castiel shirt. I brushed out my hair and teeth at the kitchen sink and sat on the couch watching Black Butler. "Damn Sebastian why do you have to be so fucking hot." I whispered to myself. Little did I know Ben was behind me. I found out he was there because of the giggle I heard behind the couch.

"I was going to scare you but nevermind." He said giggling. We arrived at the park and got in line for a roller coaster.

Then I told Ben that I would be right back. I really needed to go to the bathroom >.< I went and started to head through the crowds to get back in line when I was being tugged backwards. I was pulled into a corner that was away from the crowd and chloroformed. OOO bitches gonna die now. I woke up tied to a chair in a dark room. "Hello?" I asked. Then I felt a needle jab into my neck and I was once again plunged into darkness.

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