Rule number 1: never fangirl in front of people

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"I have another surprise." He said with a sneaky smile. "Let's go home!" He said jogging to the car and opening my door. Such a gentleman. On the way home I tried to get him to tell me.

"But you love me!"

"Yes I do!"

"So you should tell me!"


"And why not"

"Because I don't want to"

"Ugh... Please"


"COME ON!" I laughed. He is so stubborn, but I love him anyways! Have you ever noticed when there is something exciting happening it always takes forever to get to the destination? We pulled in and I grabbed all the merchandise and ran up the stairs. I accidentally tripped on the last stair(of course) and scraped both my knees. I ran into the house ignoring Ben asking if I was ok. I ran into the kitchen and got out the bandaging stuff and disinfectant things. I sat on the counter and was about to put hydrogen peroxide on when I heard a thick Scottish accent,"Would you like me to help?".No way. No. Fucking. Way. "Let me get that for ya." He said as he walked in front of me to put the hydrogen peroxide on. I completely ignored the pain because of who was doing it. It is. The one and only, David Tennant.

"You. You are David Tennant. Holy shit." I said my mouth agape. He looked up and gave a smile. I then did something nobody should do. I fangirled. Intensely. In front of him. "OHMYGOD YOU ARE DAVID TENNANT! HOLY SHIT!" I screamed and collapsed onto the floor. "I can't move." I said. David laughed and then looked around.

Then he leaned down and kissed me. "That help?" He said with a laugh as I sprang up with a huge smile on my face. I JUST GOT KISSED BY DAVID TENNANT!

"I WILL BE RIGHT BACK!" I said as I ran to my room. I ran right back out in my 10th doctor costume, trench coat and all. He started laughing and hugged me.

"That is the best cosplay I have ever seen! The coat looks so perfect!"

"Thanks! I went online and actually payed over $100 to get a replica..." I said shyly.

"The real question is... Do you have the sonic?"

"I have 3 and the 3D glasses. Hey Ben should be here by now it was only 2 flights of stairs where did he go."

"He is running some...errands..." He said with a smirk. He is planning something...

"I have a question, and it may sound weird but can I um... Can I touch your hair."

"Sure! Not the first time I've been asked." He said with a giggle. I ran my fingers through his amazing perfect hair. It felt like magic. It was so soft and just ugh! He started making fake moans. I lightly hit his arm as we started laughing.

"Stop it! That's really hot-I mean um let me get you something to drink" shit Madi you did it again. I then heard a knock at the door but David made a point to get there first. I saw him whisper to someone outside the door and then close it.

"Alright sit on this couch and don't open your eyes or speak."

"But I-"

He kissed me on the cheek and I shut up immediately and started blushing. He giggled to himself."Good work Tennant" he mumbled to himself as he tied a scarf around my eyes. I could tell he was enjoying the power he had over me.

"Shhh be quiet now. Hurry up." I heard him whisper as the door opened. "You can take off the blindfold now." David said.

I took it off and standing before me was the greatest thing I had ever seen. David, Billie Piper, John Hurt, Jenna Coleman, Katherine Tate, Freema Aygeman, John Barrowman, and Matt Smith were standing in front of me. "Happy 50th!" They said in unison. All I could remember before I had passed out was Ben and David high fiving.


Seriously I am so sorry I haven't updated! ....I'm sorry, so so sorry.*pun intended*

-xxxx Sky

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