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OHMYGOD SHE SHOT ME! SHE FUCKING SHOT ME! WHEN I GET OUT OF THIS CHAIR IM GOING TO <5 minute long threat involving many censors> After my anger was cleared I realized just how helpless I was. I was tied to a chair. On the edge. Of a crusher. If I lean back. I fall. Great. The psycho bitch won't stop cackling about her victory and muttering to herself that she is Bens true love and other BULLSHITTTTTT like that. I am definitely not gonna sleep. If I lean back to far by one inch I'm dead.

"Hey do you have a book or something? You know like Harry Po-" I was cut off by her shooting near my already wounded foot with her gun, never looking away from her phone. Wow. Ok then. How about I just don't talk since you seem to not wanna talk to me right now. I guess I will pretend its a shower and make my life decisions.

-Bens POV-

OOO this bitch gonna get it. I brought in a gun with me just in case. I slowly walked into the building. Heh I feel like I'm on a Scooby Doo episode. It's dark and this building is fucking creepy. Haha silly teenagers. ANYWAYS! I entered checking each floor until I came to the 7th floor.

"Damn, I wish you didn't come. I really wanted to push her in the crusher. I turned around to see a teenage girl? Oh well, doesn't matter now. She hurts Madi she dies simple as that.

"Please just let her go. She doesn't deserve this!" I said in a worried tone.

"No." She said with a sickeningly sweet tone.

I stood up straight dropping my worried act and put on a face of annoyance. "Alright then." I pulled out my gun and shot her in the shin. That should keep her down long enough. I walked over to untie her I was about to untie her feet when I felt a dull pain in my shoulder. I turned and saw that The girl had found her way to her gun. I didn't care how bad it hurt. I have to save Madi. I finished untying her and she ran for my gun. They stayed aimed at each other until they both fired. She was hit in the hip but when I looked to Madi, she was hit almost straight in the stomach.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed in rage and ran up to the collapsed psycho. I took her gun and pointed it at her head. She was laughing.

"Doesn't matter..... I got the girl...." I then tied her to the chair.

I quickly ran to a fading Madi. Her eyes were barely open and her mouth was spitting up blood. No. No please don't. I called 911 and told the address. I was sobbing into her chest as she whispered something.

"I love you." She whispered as tears filled her eyes. "Goodbye Ben." She whispered

"No don't do this to me come on. No. COME ON! WAKE UP!" I screamed. No matter what I did she didn't show any signs that she was alive except the slight up and down movement of her chest and a slowing heartbeat. This isn't happening. This can't be happening. I'm dreaming. Wake up. Wake up! GOD DAMNIT BEN WAKE UP. I broke down sobbing. "I can't l-lose you."

"Just to little to late Ben. I guess it just wasn't meant to be." She said and then broke down into a sickening laughter. I aimed the gun directly at her ignoring the fact that the blood from my shoulder was seeping through and I was losing consciousness.

"Die bitch."

I fired directly





Sorry for the rather gruesome and violent chapter but SOMETHING interesting had to happen sooner or later so ya. Have fun pondering on if you think that Madi lives or dies. I'm not the stereotypical romance writer you know >:D

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