The hospital

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"No please let me ride with her! I'm her boyfriend! Let me ride with her!"

"Sir please you are injured we need to put you in a different vehicle to treat you."


The next thing I knew I was out cold. I woke up to a sickening smell. Ugh, hospital... I called for a nurse.

"Ah you're up!" She said cheerily.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you lost to much blood from your shoulder and passed out." She said sadly. "You've been out for a couple days. I think the shock of Madison getting shot also helped a bit with that."

Then it all came back. The building. The shooting. Madison. It is all coming back. I need to see her. They let me get dressed and I walked down to where her room was. I ignored the searing pain in my shoulder. I walked in and saw her. She had an IV in her hand and a breathing tube in her nose. It looked so. Horrible. Her heart beat was rather slow. I stayed in the room for about ten minutes just holding her hand.

"I don't know if you can hear me but, I have heard that people in this condition are aware of what's happening. So if you can I just wanted to let you know that...I love you. I love you more than anything and I shouldn't have let you out of my sights that day. I have so much planned for us. We are going to grow old together and have a wonderful family. The full package. Truth is that I was going to propose that night at dinner after the amusement park. I shattered inside when I got the call. Your scream practically made me want to cry. And I-I should've taken the bullet you have taken. It should have been me. I can't stand seeing you suffer and... Well it hurts me. I wish I could just bear your suffering. I never want to see you hurt. Please forgive me." I could've sworn I saw a tear fall from her eyes.

A few minutes later a doctor came in. He had me explain everything that had happened. He also told me they had done surgery. Then he said the part I did not want to hear.

She might not survive the next few days.

Then he hit me with more horrid news.

She was pregnant at the time.



Sorry I'm writing short chapters :P I am not good at writing giant updates. They take forever and I would rather update often and shorter than every week and super long so........ Yeah.

-xxxx Sky

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